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Thread: DCaSTaway Release Candidate - 1. Experiences

  1. #1
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Default DCaSTaway Release Candidate - 1. Experiences

    We would like to know for first hand what are you impressions using this Release Candidate 1 on Dreamcast. The two x86 distributions are to check if mkcache works correctly and and fine.

    Tell us any comment about any feature of DCaSTaway , will help to us reaching a better Final Release.

    Thanks a lot.
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie boule's Avatar
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    actually I got nothing to say on the emu itself all the games I played worked perfect.
    I was just wondering if there was a way to make mkcache looking into subfolders, so it's easier to classify the roms
    and Thank you guys once again for DCastaway!
    there should be 2 people on the trone but...

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Compatibility is really great, one of the few things that doesn't run is Lethal Access, but this is a game that cause problems even for the various Windows emulators. Other than that, maybe the file menu should be organized differently. I mostly use those multi-game group disks, and all the files on those get listed, including all the stuff I don't need. I would perhaps be better to just make a tradional disk listing.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Alright i finally got this thing to work and i will let you know how. Have all your games in the root directory with the 1ST_READ.bin,IP.bin and anyother files that require you to run this emu. Also to make your rom list a hell of a lot faster use the good mkcache program and have that in your root directory. After running mkcache you can delete the program it will create a txt file that you must keep. I had heard people who used the Dir2boot tool which should be used. The only way your going to get that tool to work to make an image is to be using DiscJuggler as it did not work at all making a Nero image. After opening Dir2boot and making a DiscJuggler image open Disc Juggler make a Mode 2 CDXA image and also select TAO. After burning shabam you wont have any problems and i made a 20 meg image the roms loaded in about 1 second. Have fun and i hope this should help those who do not have DCastaway yet.


  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular
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    i luvv this emu,

    I highly recommend this Atari ST emu for DC. it rocks very nicely, chui n ron are working so very hard on this, and they deserve attention and respect for it. Applause and cheers to the both of you!

    During the time that Sega Genisis and Super Nintendo were filling everyones heads, i got a hold of a 520st and started trading up, and upgrading. Soon i had a 1040ST and both color and Black and white monitors. The graphics on this thing rocked, sound was cool, and my friends came over to play in my Atari ST, 8bit and TG16 & Duo cluttered lair, just for the record (sorta) i want to state that i had Genisis, SNES, NES, and more as well, and dont want to be considered biased towards any specific 1. Please try this emu and thank ron and chui for their hard work, you'll be glad u did.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie Zherae's Avatar
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    Not liking the mkcache process, the sound emulation is a bit off at some points, other than that I like everything about it.

  7. #7


    For me, is perfect :| too much beauty.
    chun&rui you are greats ^_^
    P.s excuse me boys but someone have tried LAST NINJA 3?
    To me don't work T_T

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular
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    i fail at using mkcache. made 5 bad siscs last nite. darn. Also, did the RC1 thread get deleted because of me?

  9. #9
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    edit:guess i should have put this quote in

    For me, is perfect :| too much beauty.
    chun&rui you are greats ^_^
    P.s excuse me boys but someone have tried LAST NINJA 3?
    To me don't work T_T
    If its not working for you or anyone when the next release comes out it might compatible i have no clue. Just wait for the next release or a future release and it will be working it goes for any rom or game for DCastaway. The games seem to be working for me alright with Mkcache but it might also been cause i have very little games on the CD.

    Game play speed was fullspeed but I had problems play one of the James Bond games which it could have been the game or a fix that will probably be updated in a future release of the emu. Sound is a little jerky but its understandable if its not perfect sound nothing is 100% but we can hear it so the emu is good.

    Cant wait for the next release thank Chui and Ron for making this amazing emulator and more thanks for the tutorial this goes for Chui and Ron. The only way i got this working is with what Vamp told me but doing so its recommended using Discjuggler and Dir2boot as directed in the 4th post of this thread.


  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular
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    I tried some more. I copied mkcache and ran it in each directory, with each directory having its own txt file.
    The folders open up quicker now, i've broken it down into 5 folders 4 with 100-110 and 1 folder with about 40 disk iimages. I notice now that the folders open quicker, but the names of the games themselves, is waay less, like by 80 percent, and more of just the filenames of the disk images show up.
    As soon as i get some spare time i'll be messing about with it some more. Thanks guys.

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