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Thread: Encounter Zone news

  1. #1
    DCEmu Coder Atari's Avatar
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    Default Encounter Zone news

    It's been a couple of months since I reported on this project, so I thought I'd post a small update on goings on for those interested.

    I've been very busy helping to open a new restaurant (details at and haven't had any time to work on the game. Therefore, it's currently on hiatus. I have every intention of returning to the project once I settle into a less-than-80-hours-a-week schedule, but for now I just don't have the time.

    Due to lack of interest in Dreamcast Fenix, I've also closed down the technical site. I have other plans for the address in which it was located and didn't see the point in leaving up a dead site that no one was interested in. I still have the html if anyone wants it. Just drop me a line at [email protected].
    The World Of Owen Rubin
    Atari Coinop Game Programmer #4

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Oh, How I hunger for a Big Boy. They took all my Big Boy restaurants away along time ago. I have been sad for a long time now. I do hope Big Boy comes back to my town sometime soon.

  3. #3
    Dreamcast User Dull Blade's Avatar
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    I'm interested in DC fenix, hook me up. I'd love to learn it, and maybe crank out a horrible pong port or two

  4. #4


    I've sent you an email regarding your technical site. I would love to convert the information into the Wiki.

    I have every intention of returning to the project once I settle into a less-than-80-hours-a-week schedule, but for now I just don't have the time.
    That's good to hear Looking forward to hear more news regarding Encounter Zone. Do you plan to make a vertical scrolling shooter out of it ?

  5. #5


    Nice to hear about Encounter Zone is still in the works. I never got the files you sent to work. (I thought I could use the Linux version of the Fenix interpreter to run it, but I did not manage to find which version to use).

    Sad thing you put down your Fenix page, but if the info (and files) will be put on the Dreamcast-Scene Wiki, that would be great!

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