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Thread: Why all the sony hate?

  1. #11
    Dream Coder
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    obelisk: try out

    shadowprophet: there is nothing with offtopic posts, just put them in off topic where they belong.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slayer2psp
    i only hate ea because they bought the rights too the nfl and now the best football game ever made nfl2k5 can no longer be made. im also not a big fan of nintendo because they only care about the kids make some damn games for the adults enough of the mario crap nintendo hasnt had a new game idea in years im not talking about the ds thats differnt just seems like they just keep making money off the same old stuff how many mario partys can anyone stand
    Yeah, nothing impresses me more to see grown mean play video games all day long, ruining the productivity of the world. Kids can't get on the conosle but dad is saving the world from mutant viruses, or he's boinking prostitutes in the back of cabs.

    Games are for kids. Saying that Nintendo targets kids.......what is the harm in that? I don't think they target kids, I just think the market for games has changed. Everybody wants to buy more and more realistic games and mature games. I thought video games was suppose to take me away from everyday life, not give me stuff that reminds me of it. Give me Mario, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero, Pikmin, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly Cooper (latter 3 are new Sony faves of mine) any day of the freaking weak.

    Btw, I have finally got GTA: Vice City in my stable. Played it for a week, but there is only so much carnage I could stand. If you really want to get pissed off, that game series targets kids because of it's almost cartoonish look and pallette. But no, no one here will ever see what I see.

    So keep on with the ridiculous comments about games, I'll just remember all the morons I've seen spending valuable time playing video games instead of taking care of their families.

    Games are for kids, let it be for the kid in you.

    Quote Originally Posted by slayer2psp
    seems like they just keep making money off the same old stuff how many mario partys can anyone stand
    This is probably from someone who hasn't even played a Mario game lately, but has played GTA 3, GTA Vice City, and San Andreas. How much of that pooh can one take? Oh, it's for the pubescents they don't seem to mind.

  3. #13
    DCEmu Rookie krowstrife's Avatar
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    I hate sony well because they suck
    actually well the aren't every original, everything they they rip off, well eyetoy was cool,but online, they didn't anything to online, Xboxlive well that is way better

    I have my stirfes with nintendo (pun very much intended) but they are cool, well they are morons and i could run a vg bussiness better myself, but they give me what i want, well online is mia on gamecube, well nintendo sucks but the revolution is going to be the god damned bussiness, ps3 is just the same crap over and over again

    as for all the moron psp noobs leave go, far away, dig a hole, get in it, and die, then go to hell and burn, i am sick of all the noob posts it was bearable when it was Dc but psp lame, i mean the psp is powerful but sony sucks with hardware quaility and $250 i am poor i haven't spend that on any system left alone a handheld i wish i good end this post with a good point but that ain't me i dont end sentences with periods let alone express a valid point in an intellegent way

    so as a closing statement, all of you psp noob

    STFu!!!! yep you

    hey i was wrong i did end on a good point

  4. #14
    Dream Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by krowstrife
    I hate sony well because they suck
    actually well the aren't every original, everything they they rip off, well eyetoy was cool,but online, they didn't anything to online, Xboxlive well that is way better
    Eyetoy? sounds familiar *coughcoughDreamEyecoughcough*.

  5. #15
    DCEmu Rookie krowstrife's Avatar
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    ha i forgot about that thing, sony sucks'

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I don't completly hate Sony, their consoles have some good games but I don't like what they have donew to the market, they have branded the market, the name "Playstation" is what many people are calling Games consoles. I have seen people call Dreamcast, Gamecube & X-Box Playstations it pisses me off. I've even seen a Cas Converter shop advertise a Dreamcast as a "Playstation Dreamcast" and as an avid Sega & dreamcast fan I was furious. I don't have a PSP and I don't want one at the moment as I don't play many games on the go because of crappy buses make it hard to play a game and not screw up, I already have advance movie player and a 1GB CF card so I can listen to music on the go which is not that often, I can play games the quality of the PSP on my PS2 and GC. So as you can see £180 is a bit much for me for a PSP. I have a PS2 but I can't remember the last time I played it. I play my DC, GC and DS the most, I love DS because it has the potential to have different kind of games on it and it has with Wario Ware, Pac-Pix, my copy of Kirby is on the way and I can't wait for Another Code this friday.
    Nintendo for kids? Nintendo have never said that they make games for kids, they make games for everyone, just becuse games like Mario Sunshine and Zelda WW have cartoonish graphics does not mean they are for kids, in fact they have very deep gameplay, but they do need to make some neww franchises.

  7. #17
    Dream Coder
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    Same thing was happening before Sony. Before the playstation, all video games were nintendos, and before that they were all ataris. just like how all adhesive bandages are band-aides and how all facial tissues are kleenex.

  8. #18


    It's a bit narrow minded to 'hate' a company that actually keeps the gaming market on it's toes, however good the system or game releases, without them there probably wouldn't be any competition pushing things further to knock them off their self-made (whatever the means) number one position.

    You've really got to give Sony credit for what they've achieved, they know what people want (not particularly what they need) - the sales figures speak for themselves.

    I'm a gaming fan, plain and simple, it doesn't bother me who made what, it's a chance to escape the humdrum chores of real life.

    If there's any company that people should be complaining about, it's Microsoft, they've ripped people off for years in the PC industry and now the game console industry (only because they wanted a slice of Sony's pie).

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie I_Highway's Avatar
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    Well, as quzar spoke, I think it's all about lies. The ps was a fine device, but it lacked the feeling, the emotion other consoles gives. OK, it was 3D, it was cheap, it was advanced. sony had a chance, a gap beetwen the 16bits and the difficult-to-program Saturn and the extremely expensive 3DO, and used that chance like nobody had yet done in this market. (Nintendo should be shame of it. Almost dr. Frankenstein)

    It's sony's right to provide the market with what they want. And plastation had three major factors that changed the market: a very poor quality control for the games, zillions of dollars in marketing and their greatest sight: the old gamers were getting old, and videogames should change from a toy to a entertainment device. It was not the first company to thing this way (in fact, Sega and 3DO had this in mind when launched their consoles), but was the first to really achieve this goal. Maybe because of the extra large quantity of games, due to the blind quality control.

    BUT there was no emotion in playing the same games in playstation we played in Saturn or 3DO. sony removed away the feeling from videogame market, bring instead the low price and great library of worthless titles. That was really not good for the old gamelovers, who had discovered the wonderfuls of Sega's and Nintendo's machines.

    And the lies about the ps2 were the big deal about hating sony. ps2 never was better then Dreamcast at all, and the "emotion engine" was the most difamous name of a chip ever. It has none emotion, you just play a bunch of bits, and makes you nervous. But the lies quzar had mentioned and the big hype and marketing expenses covered the truth about the possibilities and fun of the system. And that makes furious the ones who had the emotions genesis, or other system once gave.

    Besides that, sony uses its high economic power to take control of the market, just like Microsoft has done for so many years in the PC market. And with no technological increase, because every new device from sony was previously launched by other companys.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Regular rmedtx's Avatar
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    There's no reason to hate a company. Just don't buy their products.

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