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Thread: Dan (Shoe) wrote me back wow

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Talking Dan (Shoe) Editor of EGM, wrote me back wow

    Hi all I joind the other day just to wright a message to shoe The Editor of EGM,

    To my suprize I was responded to quickly,

    Heres what he had to say,
    **<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=5 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=bodybold align=right>Date:</TD><TD class=bodytext>7/7/2005 @ 1:24 AM</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodybold align=right>Subject:</TD><TD class=bodytext>RE: I sent this in a Blog ,</TD></TR><TR><TD class=bodybold vAlign=top align=right>Message:</TD><TD class=bodytext>Well, make sure to read the rest of the magazine. We state elsewhere that a lot of the "games" shown for PS3 so far aren't real-time games. This isn't something I'm making up...even Sony has officially stated that some of the demos, like Killzone, were "target videos" (meaning, they're pre-rendered sequences that they hope will be representative of the games later, when they get made). That means they made a movie to simulate what they think PS3 games will look like.

    Then there the other "real-time" demos for PS3 graphics, like the Unreal and Fight Night videos. Those aren't target videos but the real deal. BUT...they're short, controlled demos that don't need to take into consideration artificial intelligence, the rest of the level, disc space, music, sound, those developers can spend 100% of their efforts to make one specific piece look fantastic.

    Now, I'm not saying PS3 games WON'T look like that. I'm just saying a lot of the stuff isn't real right now, so people should take it with a grain of salt. If I just believed them and believed in the hype, then I wouldn't be much of a journalist now, would I?

    Hope that clears that up. Bottom line: I didn't make a prediction...Sony has officially said themselves that some of those demos were "target videos" and not real-time demos.

    ------------Original Message--------------------------------

    From: Darren Bray
    To: Dan Hsu
    Date: 7/6/2005 @ 3:07 PM
    Hi Dan, I sent this message in a Blog But im relivitivly New to 1.up and dont know if i sent it to the right place.

    But now I believe i have found the right place to send you a message.

    That being.

    On the subject, of fakeness.
    I was reading the latest issue of EGM, and In the likes/disslikes portion of the review crew lineup. you aperently didnt like the
    Fake graphics of the ps3. I suppose you mean the quality of the demos at E3,and suspect that this level of quality wont be the case when (end all be all) It is finelly released to the world,I just wanted to speak my mind. And that being, How can you as a respected journalest, come right out and make a prediction like that,
    As a long time fan of EGM, I respect your opinion deeply, If you say there fake.then there fake to me, But my question is. Baised on your experience ( which i have absolut faith in) Do you know Somthing Your not telling us, Can you elaberate A little bit on your statment, that was made on page 107 in your disslikes catigory of the review crew lineup?

    Forever a fan of EGM, But like most of us long timers We miss ED. He was the soul of EGM. But you do a good Job filling his shoes.


    Wow i cant believe he wrote me back, (and quickly at that) and aperently I have the same problem skiping over important facts as I do here in a lot of posts

    *I never though I would get a responce, from him personaly, aperently his blog is for real.

    "shadowprophet is stuned"

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular WHurricane16's Avatar
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    Well, I'm glad Hsu was cautious in his article, and with good reason. Sony has continously thrown whacky information out there, same as the PS2. This time it seems worse. The tech demos from pre-PS2 launch, remember those? Those demos killed the DC and never quite lived up to actual gameplay graphics of the PS2. So, since Sony lies about their specs and puts out hype after hype it takes a long over due "no, I'm not so easily fooled."

    EGM is crap anyway. I miss Ed

  3. #3
    Dream Coder
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    I'm sure Hsu took you very seriously as a 'journalest'.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default Really ? i wasnt trying to front as a journalest

    I just wanted to send a very well worded message
    After all it was my first time ever trying to send somthing like that to somone like an editor of a mag

    "Shadowprophet" cause it still rocks he wrote me back

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by WHurricane16
    Well, I'm glad Hsu was cautious in his article, and with good reason. Sony has continously thrown whacky information out there, same as the PS2. This time it seems worse. The tech demos from pre-PS2 launch, remember those? Those demos killed the DC and never quite lived up to actual gameplay graphics of the PS2. So, since Sony lies about their specs and puts out hype after hype it takes a long over due "no, I'm not so easily fooled."

    EGM is crap anyway. I miss Ed
    The tech demos for the ps2 have been exceeded in many late generation ps2 titles. As for the letter from the egm guy, i'm sure he knows little more then the rest of us what the ps3 will be capable when it is finally released.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Unhappy hmm

    you must be on to somthing quzar.
    They dont seem to answer back as quickly when the messages are shorter and the contense is just small talk.

    I guess my first letter was just luck ..

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Red face

    As I'm sure some of you have heard ziff davis has recently filed for bankruptcy. As it stands right now the fate of EGM hangs on the graces of a court decision at this very moment.

    So as a tribute to the only source for videogame news that mattered before the net became a main staple on every home on the globe, I commit this single sin. and bump this ancient thread.

  8. #8
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I was wondering why the date was 2005...

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    lol wow.. i joined 1up to but never even bothered signing in...

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