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Thread: MAJOR BOmb Blasts IN LONDON

  1. #11
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    ifits confirmed its arabs then i would fear the back lash from inside this country

    People will do drastic things when pissed

  2. #12
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Brother was near a bomb that went off on one of the buses. He's fine jsut struggling to get home with no buses/trains.

    Makes me sick, why do people feel they have the right to do such things to others, regardless of excuses/reasons. I hope people find the bombers before the police do, prison is no punishment for a minimum of 33 dead so far.

    War is one thing but these are innocent people.

  3. #13
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    it's an incredibly sad day... i work bang in the middle of it all

  4. #14
    DCEmu Newbie RockGod's Avatar
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    My condolences to those who may have family (God Forbid) seriously and fatally affected by those bastards. I don't know if I am the first american voice to say this but I hope my fellow americans will follow my lead and pass along their prayers and support for our UK brothers and sisters.

  5. #15


    It was just a matter of time really, I'm surprised it's taken this long for something to happen over here in the UK, as usual the timing was spot on for their blinkered cause. A sad day indeed, also a wake up call that the fanatical minority are still among us worldwide.

    I hope this doesn't spark off any riots with blind hatred for a particular race/colour/religion or whatever, it's what these lunatics want, we've got to be strong and fight terrorists in all countries without stooping to their level of brainwashed lunacy.

    The thing that really pisses me off is the fact that there's some uneducated leader of the group regarding the bombers as heroes, also the celebrations that are probably going on as the casualty numbers rise. I'll stop there before I incite any more anger that's around.

    My thoughts go out to the victims and relatives of the innocent caught up in all this madness.

  6. #16


    I work on the London Underground and was on earlies today. Got into work at 6 this morning and by 9 the whole network was grinding to a holt. By 9.30 we where told to evacuate our station, just got in now, feel like crap. My heart goes out to the people who have lost friends and loved ones today.

  7. #17


    Yea it's too bad this world is filled with humans like the ones that did the 9/11 attacks and this attack and all others around the world This attack re emphasis our need thorought the world to work "together" to destroy the people that carry out these attacks. It sickens me to see some of these countries bow down to these terriorists by either pulling troops out of the stablization of iraq and other examples of fear and selfishness. Some countries only think about there own good then the good of the entire world, as long as the attacks aren't in there country they are happy. They bow down to the terriorists so they aren't attacked. That is exactly what the terrorists want is fear and control. My wishes and blessings go out to the people in europe as your country has to deal with the results of these evil ignorant cowards.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    i think the shock i was in yesterday has calmed down... i work in the middle of all the bombings, they were all within a mile or so of me.

    I went through Moorgate station 15 mins before it was blown up, a workmate of mine was on a train that got hit, he survived but had to go to hospital. it was a realy eerie feeling we just sat in work hearing the sirens and listening to the radio feeling increasingly horrorfied. even though i live 45 mins by tube away, I ended up walking home at 3 (usually 9-5), even if the tubes or buses were working i wasn't gonna get on one.

    A massively sad day.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Unhappy man

    Most people probibly wouldnt understand my point of view on this.
    Its not that I dont keep up with world events.
    And not that Im not deeply effected by these things.
    But I try to avoid the news when things like this happen.

    Its so harsh Its like mind $#@! soul $#@! even.., Its far too real for me to deal with so I run from it.
    ITs the only way I can deal with things like this.

    However I do have an opinion on this. Innocent people should never hurt. and the people responcible for this should be punished in such a way that its as unhumain as there own actions, maybe if they where cought given some sort of drug that causes them intence pain/ hightens there sences and then beaten within an inch of there life . then slowly painfully killed.

    Nobody should ever suffer bacause of terrorists. and i think they deserve unhumain punishment the worst imagineible.

    And I dont wanna hear any crap about humain rights either. terrorists are worthless un human s$#@! and dont deserve any rights at all.
    Im not a killer its not im me, but it wouldnt even phase me to painfully execute a terrorest with my own hands . terrorists deserve to die!

    As long as I live I will never forget the world trade centers. innocent people forced to choose which way they where to die, By jumping to there death
    burning to death. or being crushed by rubble. It causes emotions to run through me that I dont even have a name for. I cant deal with it.

    "shadowprophet" cause he just cant handel things like this

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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