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Thread: Error "No Disk in drive"

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    "i know it is not fullspeed but it is far from slow. neo4all underclocks the z80 and uses default of automatic frameskip to stay fullspeed. NeoDC strives for accuracy over speed, and because of that has exact clock speeds, no frameskip, and runs according to how the original console would (on a PAL machine it tells the neogeocd to be a pal neogeocd and run at 50hz)"

    Dude, do a release WITH frameskip or underclocking then. As it is, Neo4All is way more playable then NeoDC, and so gets all the use from me.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by D.Lo
    Dude, do a release...

    So this is an order or what ??
    I have a better idea , here's everything you need to make it yourself :
    Full source code to play with.

    Seriously , is that a way to make request to someone who owe you nothing and already share his work for free ?
    Think about it !

  3. #13
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squaresoft74

    So this is an order or what ??
    I have a better idea , here's everything you need to make it yourself :
    Full source code to play with.

    Seriously , is that a way to make request to someone who owe you nothing and already share his work for free ?
    Think about it !
    I'm not making a request - I'm quite happy with neo4all thank you very much.

    But he's hanging around the forum of the competition, seemingly desperate to have anyone play his emulator, and so i explained why I do not. I'm not interested in a more 'pure' emulation or whatever - I just want to play Samurai Shodown 2! I own an original copy BTW - $5 on ebay. I love Neo4all - It's easily the cheapest and best legal way to play older Neo games.

    As I see it, it's like this: a guy from Burger King is hanging around a McDonalds saying 'Whoppers are better - they're bigger and fresher' and I say to him 'Well, make me a whopper without that mayonaise I don't like, and make it cheaper and I'll buy it". I'm not demanding anything, just telling him what I want in a burger.

  4. #14
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Okay, the games that don't load are due to the fact that they are downloaded. If you bought them from somewhere then you got jipped I'm afraid.
    I downloaded Fatal Fury and Double Dragon, just so I could test them on the emu before I decided to buy them, and they both didn't work. After putting the CD in my CD-rom, I noticed they weren't named in the same way as the other CDs I tested or own. So I renamed them to other names from the other CDs I own... and tada, both worked.

    So some of the pirated versions aren't being picked up by the emulator due to how they're named.

    So buy originals and be happy

  5. #15
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMonk
    Okay, the games that don't load are due to the fact that they are downloaded.

    It seems you didn't read my first post correctly.
    None of my games are downloaded isos.
    They're either original CDs or direct backup from my originals.
    The problem is about the file system used by some of these games that is currently unsupported by the emulator.
    Check the link in my sig if you want accurate TOC / data tracks size and CRC32 infos of original NeoGeo CD games.
    (Infos that have been double checked and confirmed from different sources).

    Chui did you make any progress about this , and also did you check my Pm ?

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Why does the 3 Count Bout that I used work then?? It's an original also.

  7. #17
    DCEmu Newbie
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    If you check my database , you'll notice that some games (if not all but time will tell) have different pressing.
    For example check :
    - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory Real Battle Action Game [NGCD-069E] MT B02
    - Fatal Fury 3 - Road to the Final Victory Real Battle Action Game [NGCD-069E] MT B03
    They 're the same games but their data track is not the same.
    Your 3 Count Bout version might just not be the same as mine and yours may use a filesystem that is supported by the emulator.
    Mine is the Japanese pressing btw (Fire supplex) , 3 Count Bout being the Euro/Usa one.

    If you have original CDs and wish to submit complete infos to help completing my database , you're welcome.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Newbie
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    OH cool then. I had no idea there were different versions... I thought the games just changed depending on the console it was played it. Were there actually different manufacturers of the games?

    I'll see if I can get some of my mates games... He got quite angry once he saw how well the Dreamcast played them... Haha. That's what he gets for not buying SEGA.

    What exactly do you mean by Filesystem? The test version of Fatal Fury I downloaded had a different kind of CD name from the originals that I tried, and didn't work, but once I renamed it to the name that the Ninja Masters CD has... which is just NMCD.

    I know it's not possible, but with the originals you have, would a simple rename of the CDs make them run? That seems to be the only thing preventing the games running if I've downloaded them to test them... A simple Data track rename and they boot.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMonk
    I thought the games just changed depending on the console it was played it.
    Yes, the region selection depends on the console's "jumper" position.
    If it's set to Japan , then the game will boot with the Japanese title/language/etc..
    And so on for Euro and Us.

    The difference found between 2 different pressing of a same game is certainly a matter of bug fix or even maybe protection update.
    For example :
    Double Dragon [NGCD-082E] MT B05 & Double Dragon [NGCD-082] MT B06 just crash Nebula or NJ's NeoGeoCd 0.6.0 emulator while Double Dragon [NGCD-082E] MT B04 will work fine.
    I didn't try with Neo4all yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMonk
    What exactly do you mean by Filesystem?
    Since i'm really bad at explaining things and my Engrish doesn't help , better you read this :

    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMonk
    The test version of Fatal Fury I downloaded had a different kind of CD name from the originals that I tried, and didn't work, but once I renamed it to the name that the Ninja Masters CD has... which is just NMCD.
    I think the tool you used to update the CD label , didn't preserve the original filesystem and "rebuilt" the renamed iso with a more standard one supported by the emulator.

    I gave a quick try with CDmage on Samurai Spirits and noticed the resulting iso was smaller than the original one.
    Then doing a Hex compare of both iso, i noticed there were a lot of changes other than the CD label what make me believe that the original filesystem hasn't been preserved.

    Quote Originally Posted by BaldMonk
    I know it's not possible, but with the originals you have, would a simple rename of the CDs make them run? That seems to be the only thing preventing the games running if I've downloaded them to test them... A simple Data track rename and they boot.
    Well if all i wanted was to play i could simply do what Quzar mentionned here but that wouldn't solve the current issue with the original CDs.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Ah... I see now. Thanks for helping me understand that.
    I'll try and grab my mates 3 Count Bout and get the details that you need... Unless you already have it. What ones are you actually looking for details on? I'll see if he has them.

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