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Thread: burning problems

  1. #1

    Default burning problems

    I'm having trouble burning Sonic Adventure. I'm using Nero Normal version, burning on Memorex CD-Rs at 52x, Disc-At-Once. The game is selfbooting, but doesn't load, so I tried Utopia.....still doesn't work. I attempted Track-At-Once and Disc-At-Once/96. I got the game to work on a different Dreamcast at DAO, but it won't work on mine. My Dreamcast was manufactured in June 2000 and several other games that I have burned have worked just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: burning problems

    You'll find the original version of the game will not only boot straight away for you but it'll hardly cost you anything.

    No support for warez - read the rules, locked (for obvious reasons).

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