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Thread: Have you been Scammed By Free PSP/Ipod/Xbox360 etc Sites

  1. #41


    Smiths has a point when he said ..

    "I have found out more about this site and many others in the homebrew scene and have found a great community of intelligent people who have "Been around the block"."

    For example me personally I have been running an Emulation site for over 5 years now and have interacted with many developers along the way. It is very rare that a developer would want to associate with a site that is in it for the money rather then the community. The reason they don't speak up publicaly is because they don't want to get involved and stuck in the middle. I personaly don't blame them one bit, but this doesn't stop them from speaking up privately.

    As it has been said before the developers don't want their projects posted between news that deals with stuff like loaders that are bit iffy when it comes to it's legality. The developers care a lot about the community and the sites that represent it tastefully. They couldn't care less if PSPUpdates was here today and gone tomorrow.

    I understand you are proud of your community at PSPUpdates and I wouldn't knock you for that but as it has been stressed many times the complaints come from the main site and the actual people running the site.

    It is sad enough that many of us had to educate Clay and many of their posters on proper "News Posting Etiquette". Before people like us spoke up they were basically tricking people into thinking these homebrew projects were coming from PSPUpdates rather then the developers themselves. They also posted wrong developer names for projects, illegal stuff, wrong change logs, and also had a huge problem giving proper credits. They were obviously (and tend to still come off once awhile) new to all of this. Personally if I was running a "Business" as it has been said many times I would get professional news posters. The lack of professionalism will not take the site to the level of IGN, GameSpot or other such sites.

    The majority of people that do go to PSPUdates is for the homebrew and it's popularity is/was built on homebrew exclusivly. There is no denying this fact. Homebrew is still the backbone of PSPUpdates and if it was all removed there would be a drastic loss in activity. So this is where the whole arguement of PSPUpdates profiting off of homebrew comes from. I highly doubt people come to PSPUpdates exclusivly for IGN, or other source news. It is very rare to see Exclusive news coming from PSPUpdates which also falls under the arguement that PSPUpdates is profiting off of homebrew because it's the sites main content that people want.

    It's not about being jealous because of the amount of traffic one site might have over another. Traffic does not equal greatness or respect. You could have a ton of visitors and still have a crap site. I am not calling PSPUpdates crap in anyway I am just saying you can not judge one site solely on their traffic numbers. I personally find PSPUpdates to be a mess from a designer standpoint and the usability of their file system is lacking. There is many aspects of the site that can make it great. just because a site is capable of posting news 24/7 doesn't always equal quick news or even better news for the matter. Because the news that PSPUpdates posts is freely available from the original sources (developers) by anyone including wraggster it doesn't make PSPUpdates anymore special then DCEmu when it comes to it's news.

    The one major difference I see is the developer involvement on DCEmu that makes it stand out above the rest. Not only do we get to interact with the developers here on the forums we also get exclusive information that comes from DCEmu that some other forums such as PSPUpdates does not get. There is a reason developers do not flock to PSPUpdates and it is not because of the community there .. it's because of what that site represents.

  2. #42
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster
    He made a massive mistake by selling the PSPHacker domain
    I sure did. If I had known then, what I know now I would have never sold the PSPHacker site to them. I was promised by them that I would still have a big say in how the site would be run. That was a complete lie and when I started my new site I was banned from the forum as well.

  3. #43

    Default and i thought it was just me

    I thought I just thought they were jackasses...

    I actually run I made a Custom Pack Generator (thats all it was... not a site yet, just a single page) and when I tried to submit it to them for news, they said I can make it either exclusive only for them or they wont put it in the news. I obviously declined as I didnt make this for them to prosper, I made this for the psp scene. Then I got an email from clay saying and i quote "Ok, can you tell me a bit more about how the software works on your
    pspbrew? Please be as detailed as possible." Remember this is after I sent a page going over exactly what it does (just no EXACT technicals). I didnt answer that BS for sure.

    After that I was basically told that I dont have a chance as they get 10000 hits a day and the only way anyone is ever going to see my generator is through them. So obviously I decided to say **** ***. And thats why i have been creating my own site.

    It may be tough to get it known but atleast now i can keep people from being pummeled to death with ads, and actually make a site that people WANT to be loyal to and moves the scene forward rather than being like them.

  4. #44
    DCEmu Newbie
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    OMG I always tought that it was fake. Free psp, xbox360, enz. I feel sorry for the fools who bought it.
    And if there are people who didnt know, this forum is the best of ALL.
    For my Dreamcast and PSP this is the best forum 2 go to.


  5. #45
    DCEmu Newbie
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    It is very sad to see how pspupdates turns out. Every day we at emunoobs and other people recognize more and more questionable actions from Clay & Friends.

    That whole page has just been created to fraud people (yes: FRAUD). Brainless moderators still try to cover their actions. Can anyone imagine how much money they create?

    * Premium Members
    * Dozens of ads + google ads
    * Popups
    * Hidden product advertisement

    We at emunoobs pointed it out several times. Most people who support them think they run a community service, but it is just plain hard money making. No respect for developers (has been worse in the past than now, to admit). They even misuse their "sponsors" to create money, which is the worst I have ever seen. Several people pointed Lik-Sang at their partners and their strategies. Obviously Lik-Sang is earning so well with them too, that they just accept that and refuse to take any action. A close friend got the reply (rewrote from my head) "We just have advertisement activities with them and do not want to enter a war". Same applies to Google-Ads. They are violating at least three of the contract rules and still have those ads. Everyone is making money with them and they are making money too. This is a devilish circle which nobody will stop as long as there is profit involved.

  6. #46


    *Keef pokes Nadeiko in the eye :P

    Glad to see you on the forums.

  7. #47
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Okay... glad to finally see a time where more and more don't like the fact the PSPU is a business and making money from devs. Good.

    But what can we do about it?
    It's hopeless to wait for something and moan around... it's all going in circles and that's it.

    I'm not that well-known in the PSP-scene (only in GP32-scene), most probably because I only have a file archive ( running without any newssite (like the combination I have with and
    hando (from wanted to setup a newssite - but didn't have the time.
    Oh well. If there is any newssite which still needs a decent file archive, just PM me (every site can include a "recent files" or "top downloads" list from my archive with direct links anywhere on their page if they want... head over to and look to the right how it could look like).

    Anyways, back to the topic.
    I know here are some guys pretty well-known by psp-devs. And even most here don't care if the news is 3 minutes or 3 hours old, PSPU certainly does.

    If we could get some of the major devs to offer their new releases on ANY other newssite than PSPU first and state in the readme, that the latest news about their projects can always be found there, PSPU COULD lose one thing they're most proud of... being the fastest (which they often aren't, but that's why the statement in the readme is for).

    It's not typical homebrew-style, I know... I also wouldn't want to do this... but does anyone have any other ideas?

  8. #48
    NGPSP Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    For example me personally I have been running an Emulation site for over 5 years now and have interacted with many developers along the way. It is very rare that a developer would want to associate with a site that is in it for the money rather then the community. The reason they don't speak up publicaly is because they don't want to get involved and stuck in the middle. I personaly don't blame them one bit, but this doesn't stop them from speaking up privately.
    You are sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo right on the money with that. Wraggster knows my feelings about pspupdates. I just dont jump into the war (like smiths did) because i am not about to let people who follow my project suffer. Tis sad

  9. #49



    O for a Firefox user with the ability to use AD-Block.

    It is the most useful invention for any site with an annoying amount of Ads esp. somewhere like P$Pupdates!

    THere was a time it wasnt too bad but then all those google adds and then the free i-pods! etc.

    Then i realised


    After that you'd swear it really was a normal site

    Although i really agree, it sickening how money hungry sites that realise they're popular become, the more hits the more money possibilities, think of it this way if they put more adds they get more money from goggle etc. then they get the links to lik-sang 10% of the sale deal, then there own Free deals etc. and finally to remove all these annoyances you can pay again to remove them!

    You have to admit for the web owner the money must be very persuasive!

    I just wish that someone out there could run as good an updated and moderated site without the corporate money hungry feel.....

    Any takers?

  10. #50


    Yeah before I found this site I just threw on a javascript blocker (plugin for firefox) and I never had to mess with those stupid pop up/pop unders/pop out of the computer and smother you...things.

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