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Thread: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    Nintendo DS will launch in North America in late November, according to unconfirmed reports quoting publishing sources at the Ziff-Davis Electronic Gaming Summit.[br][br]Third-party publishers are reportedly "confident" that the portable will be on store shelves in North America in time for Thanksgiving and the traditional start of the US Christmas rush.[br][br]This seems to tally with what Japanese retail sources were saying in mid-July. At the time, this website [reported] comments indicating that the DS would launch in the US on November 11th at $179.95 (€145) following a November 4th launch at 19,000 yen (€140) in Japan.[br][br]However, reports this week also had publishers citing concerns over the as-yet unknown launch line-up, with some worried that most of the system's big titles were expected in Q1 2005. Japanese retail sources in July suggested that 11 titles would be released by the end of 2004.[br][br]But, in the absence of official confirmation from Nintendo, for the moment it's impossible to measure exactly how things will unfold. The last word from the platform holder was that the DS would be released in Japan and North America in "late 2004". When it was unveiled at E3, the charismatic Reggie Fils-Aime told the audience that the system would be available in Europe in Q1 2005.[br][br]Recently, Nintendo has [confirmed] the final name, logo and design of the unit, and also unveiled a list of titles in development in Japan and the West, including big names from the likes of Electronic Arts, Square Enix, Capcom, Konami and others.[br][br]The Nintendo DS' main perceived rival, the Sony PlayStation Portable, is expected in a similar timeframe.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    even if the psp does come out at same time it will only make the ds stronger

    the psp only has a movie playback of 1 and a half hours, people who know that wont buy it, hopefully

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    Those are old outdated specs on your PSP.
    PSP last now 10 hrs playing a game and 4 hrs with video playback. The reason they pushed for these battery lifes was because they wanted anyone to be able to sit back and watch any movie all the way threw without having to stop in the middle to switch batties.
    People who want the PSP will get the psp and no Nintendo fans can stop them and the same goes vice versa.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    hell i plan on getting them both. both of them sound awsome. I lean more twards the DS but that isnt to say that i wouldnt enjoy the psp. Im not holding back, il say it. THE PSP IS A BETTER PEICE OF HARDWARE!!!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    You don't know how good it was to read that.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    [quote author=Hola link=board=NDS;num=1092325779;start=0#2 date=08/19/04 at 15:42:58]Those are old outdated specs on your PSP.
    PSP last now 10 hrs playing a game and 4 hrs with video playback.[/quote]Where did you get your information from? The last official word from Sony was that they were using a Lithium-ion battery. Battery life was mentioned to be comparable to other high-end portable electronics, which is estimated to be anywhere from 3 to 6 hours.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    Those arent offical but it was rumor from Famitsu mag.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    [quote author=Hola link=board=NDS;num=1092325779;start=0#6 date=08/19/04 at 21:05:25]Those arent offical but it was rumor from Famitsu mag.[/quote]I'd rather stick with the facts from the horse's mouth than a rumor. The fact that it used a lithium ion battery, and that it would be comparable to other high-end portable electronics was indeed official. Straight from a Sony press release on the PSP:

    If it does indeed use a standard Lithium-Ion battery, I'm avoiding the PSP like the nGage. The system specs are certainly drool worthy, but this is a handheld, not a console. I don't plan on plunking down big bucks for a "portable" system I need to keep plugged into the wall in order to play.

    If Sony does wise up, and decides to go with a better battery solution, I'll gladly pick one up. Gran Turismo on the go certainly sounds like fun to me. And, Metal Gear Acid certainly has me intrigued.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Nintendo DS To Launch IN USA at Thanksgiving

    The PSP got delayed and may be realesed in 2005. It has movie and MP3 playback, but you have to buy those expensive memory sticks ($80 for 128 MB). Also the PSP's battery life may be as little as three hours they said in an interview. The DS is so much better (and affordable)

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