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Thread: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

  1. #1

    Default News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    Ian Micheal has given out a very nice and interesting status report about the NeoCD project (a port of the NeoGeoCD emulator NeoCD SDL by Fosters): [br][br]Well as you may have been reading. Team work paided off again for the next big step in this project, Speud took up, the challange and Converted the SDL rendering to PVR rending. I did my best to help out here and there I tryed to explain sdl function. [br][br]Fosters Showed us some functions we were missing, what they really did which lead to the rending not having the blurr effect was very productive few days. I tryed to get DMA working and it had garbage at first but I searched this forum and found some usefull info from, black aura which i tryed and DMA is now fixed as well. So the progress, is this full pvr rending with DMA, Filtering, and ive now using a very optmized SDL. only 200k for it. It still had control and audio functions and video but it's really very much optimized using compiler settings for space not speed so from 956k to 200k. Linking this brought the bin size down by almost 300k and gained some speed as well. Then we had a controler problem with scrolling games. I have just fixed this the way input was initing, it was happing before video was, since it's not SDL any more this was effecting it, i changed this, and full controls work again and even nicer then before i was able to now take off some calls to the input and it gained some speed. [br][br]Frameskip is taken off and it has a value of 60 Which should mean zero or it will attempt to run at 60fps fullspeed. [br][br]Speed has gone up with all this progress to over 10fps more on most games this is amazing improvement. [br][br]We must thank Speud for being so helpfull and working for days in pm with me back and forth he did a great job.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    O_o thats amazing. How can a neogeo cd run fullspeed with no frame skipping without Sh4 when Snes cant? yes I know the Snes is complexed and all but the Neogeo is a pure beast in power when compared to snes.

    Hell maybe he could add frame skipping in again and now turn on sound effects.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    Mostly because there is no sound emulation, and the video emulator is nowhere near as complex as a SNES has to be. The NeoGeo's video hardware is powerful, but it's also a lot simpler than the SNES, and doesn't need to be as accurate. The more accurate an emulator has to be, the slower it goes.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    Well games like metal slug 1 and 2 are fullspeed till they hit slow down the m68k is still to slow for them. Other games yes there full framerate now no frameskip.

    I dont like frameskip try to avoid it when i did see it was not needed then i remove it.

    When SFX is working then frameskip would be need again it drops it by 15%.

  5. #5

    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    If the new C68 core was added, by how much percentage would it drop, since then it would be quicker, right?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    I say we might get by with sfx and frameskip 1 or 2

  7. #7

    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    I wouldn't mind if it runs with FrameSkip at 1 or 2 - would be like NesterDC I guess...

    I think with an additional faster SHx optimized Z80 core it could be full speed with SFX activated...;start=180


  8. #8
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    Don't know if i'm supposed to mention this but a certain coder has mention his version of nesterdc doesnt use frame skipping at all and runs full speed.

    BTW now that we have a optomozid 68 core I guess the Z80 will be the next thing to optimize?

  9. #9

    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    NesterDC isn't fullspeed as far as I know. On a very few games you can see the frameskip.


  10. #10
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    Default Re: News about NeoCD by Ian Micheal

    Yeah ether is sms plus but lot of people claim it. Good enff close to fullspeed i say nesterdc and sms plus.

    Neogeo cd will be about the same speed and sound as nesterdc one day geting closer.

    Want to see it's speed play aero fighters 2 it's 60fps with bi filter and CDDA.

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