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Thread: DCEmu Interview - Q44 - If you were in Charge of the Country What would you do?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News DCEmu Interview - Q44 - If you were in Charge of the Country What would you do?

    A feature i did a few years ago and one im going to repeat now is the DCEmu Interview, a unique idea in which questions are asked by me to the Whole DCEmu Community its a way to learn more about each others and find out what our interests are and much more

    Todays Question is If you were in Charge of the Country you live in What would you do to change it?

    Give your Answer via Comments.

    We want your DCEmu Interview Questions, Post any good questions Here

    Remember to check out our DCEmu Interview Site to catch up on previous DCEmu Interview Questions

    Heres the other DCEMU Questions - Answer as many as you can

    The DCEmu Interview - Question 1 - What Consoles Do You Own ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 2 - Whats Your Favourite Console Of All Time
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 3 - Whats Your New Years Resolution ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 4 - What Got you Interested in Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 5 - Whats the greatest Game Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 6 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Console?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 7 - Whats the Greatest Homebrew Handheld?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 8 - Whos the Greatest Homebrew Hacker/Coder and Why ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 9 - Whats the Greatest Emulator Released?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 10 - What Game(S) Would you like to see Remade ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 11 - Whats the Greatest Platform Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 12 - Whats the Greatest FPS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 13 - Whats the Greatest Sports Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 14 - How Excited Are You In Todays Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 15 - Whats the Greatest RTS Game Released ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 16 - What Would Make the Perfect Homebrew Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 17 - What Are the Best/Worst Online Games Shops?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 18 - Name all the Consoles You have done Homebrew On ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 19 - What Emulators are the Best In the Console Scene
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 20 - Whats The Best Gamepad/Controller Ever ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 21 - How Would You Improve the Homebrew Scene ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 22 - What Do You Want Off Santa For Xmas ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 23 - What Was The First Game You Beat?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 24 - Whats Your Longest Gaming time in One Session?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 25 - What Screen do you use for gaming?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 26 - Whats The Longest You Have Spent Playing One Game
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 27 - Whats The Worst Console/Computer You Have Owned?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 28 - Which is Best for Homebrew, Handheld or Console ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 29 - What was the Homebrew Main Event of 2008?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 30 - Whats The Next Console Your Going to Buy ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 31 - How Long have you Been into Homebrew/Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 32 - What Internet Browser Do You Use ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 33 - What Search Engine Do You Use?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 34 - Whats The Best Console for Snes Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 35 - Whats The Best Console for N64 Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 36 - Do You Cheat at Games ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 37 - Whats the Best Console for PSX Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 38 - Whats the Best Console for Megadrive Emulation ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 39 - Have You Ever Modded Your Consoles ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 40 - Whats Your Next Gadget/Console Buy?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 41 - Have You Ran Into Internet Hardmen/BullyBoys ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 42 - What Are You Hoping for This Xmas (2009) ?
    The DCEmu Interview - Question 43 - What Games on any Console/PC have you completed ?

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Personally if i was in charge of the UK i would bring back hanging for all those who murder these days.

    unlike years of old, DNA and other methods used to proove the guilt mean that these killers should be dealt with accordingly.

    i would make all prisoners work in coal mines and bring back hard labour for all.

    i would make sure that Gas, Electric and water were kept to lowest prices posssible.

    I would make all the unemployed work for their benefits somehow.

    i could go on all day :P

  3. #3


    I'd fund the development of hydrogen fuel cells and help oil export dependant countries to diversify, and declare war on Activision.

  4. #4


    If i were in charge,I would create a equal,fair and classless society where everyone had the same universal rights and benefits as anyone else in return for contributing the same amount of effort/time/work.

    Under me,The State would give everyone a house,a car,holidays and money every week.Would look after you in old age.In return you would work a certain amount of time every week and contribute to the greater good of society.

    I think a lot of peoples problems are caused by a lack of money.

  5. #5
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    Id be like Ali G and keep it real innit! lol jk but hanging? thats kinda harsh! u mean lethal injection? lol anyway yeah! hard labour etc and the benefit system has just gave too many the chance to do nothing, but there is people with serious problems, and those that abuse it, that irritates me, uh! id make religion illegal lol (yes I know not possible)

  6. #6
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    In the words of the rhinoceros party,
    "I would put the national debt on visa"

  7. #7
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    Country? Not allot. World? then;
    First I would do some mass-resituating of the population. Then I would plot out the worlds land and use each area to its full potential. E.i. farmland, energyland, explotionland, forrestland, factoryland, (A la super-simcity), etc.
    I would remove/ abolish all pointless jobs/professions/services/goods factories. E.g. 1 generic super-car for everybody. 1 huge bracelet/bag/shoe/anything factory.(rather than millions scattered globally yeah?). No telesales (sales would be extinct anyway), etc
    I would make everything free for everybody, work is voulenteer based on a global basis. You sign up for what you want to work as, and when a position becomes available you get a call, you hop on a flight, you go do what you want. if you change your mind, you leave, and if you like, try something else.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by mrquiteaguy View Post
    If i were in charge,I would create a equal,fair and classless society where everyone had the same universal rights and benefits as anyone else in return for contributing the same amount of effort/time/work.

    Under me,The State would give everyone a house,a car,holidays and money every week.Would look after you in old age.In return you would work a certain amount of time every week and contribute to the greater good of society.

    I think a lot of peoples problems are caused by a lack of money.
    What is communism?

  9. #9


    All are beautiful ideals, but as tinman has said in his sarcasm, these are all examples of total social (economically), and communist (in their government ideology). These problem with communism is that the individuality of people is not taken into account. Also, if you work more hour than you are given, will you get paid more? Not under communism.

    Here's a small step in the right direction.

    1st. Energy - a combination of energy storage research, and clean energy technologies with NUCLEAR FUSION at the forefront. No radiation, no meltdown, and enough in the earth's oceans (and if not the oceans then on the moon) to power the world for ages.

    2nd. Health Care - Main land Europe's (Germany for example) health care system is one of the best systems on the planet. Americans' worst complaint about the health care system is the waiting (Wow! I rather wait and get it on the cheap!).

    3rd. Economy - The U.S. and Europe are giving China a free ride, hence the jobs are all being outsourced. Start imposing tariffs (taxes) on imported good so that domestic goods are supported. If someone wants to compete with domestic goods, they better build a factory on the country and compete with the locals. It is unfair trying to compete with a nation where people are getting paid a dollar a day. Why do you think products from China are so cheap? Workers are way underpaid! That's why! I don't blame the chinese for doing what they do! Good for them for being smart! I blame everyone else for being stupid!

    4th. Infrastruture - The third world countries are suffering due to bad management and bad infrastructure. Without a proper system of roads and institutions, no business will set up factories for workers if its hard to move their products out! Why do you think that Walmart can sell so well and so cheap in the US? Because of infrastructure. This is the reason why in the U.S., Walmart is a bargain store, and in Brazil it is a luxury store.

    5th - ENERGY - I said this before, but without energy, there is no civilization, no technology, no health care, but there would be one thing, the Middle ages would make a comeback. Clean energies working in unison (hydroelectric is very destructive to the environment actually). Nuclear Fusion at the forefront powering all major cities.
    Last edited by fpcreator2000; March 15th, 2010 at 21:34. Reason: Sorry for all the ranting, but someone needs to know! Damn it!

  10. #10
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    Fire all of the treasonous congress and president, and start over from scratch. Then make it a law that all political parties are abolished and make political parties illegal. Abandon all 700 military bases the USA runs around the world. Then we can get back to an actual representative government.

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