View Full Version : DCEmu Homebrew, Emulation, Hacking and Development Forum

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  1. Help me get into coding for PSP
  2. linux on a psp
  3. First attempt at Lua
  4. Problem with DevKitPSP
  5. Will there ever be an Nintendo 64 & Sega Dreamcast PSP Emulator ?
  6. Homebrew Icon Arranger
  7. A Rumor???
  8. My dreamcast+ KOS homemade games method
  9. ghost in the matrix v0.1 source
  10. Single Memory Card Homebrew!
  11. New project, PSPtelnet
  12. 1.51 Now In U.s!!!
  13. New Firmware 2.0
  14. Need Help for my PSX emulator port.
  15. suggested psp apps,
  16. web browser help!!!!
  17. Neo Geo Emu
  18. will this work on psp
  19. 2.0 Firmware for download
  20. what would YOU do? (if your son was at home crying. . .haha)
  21. Welcome to the Official Opening of GPFs New Website
  22. Letter "A"
  23. Donations for Devs
  24. Need help with compiling code to run on the PSP
  25. PSickoPortable v0.1 - Organize your game folder
  26. How Long???
  27. Why does Sony...
  28. Quick FAQ on 1.50 Homebrew
  29. .RAR File???
  30. Super Pong V1.10 Released
  31. PSP Weather
  32. WHO is the brave tester? (on 2.0!)
  33. Help
  34. PSickoPortable v0.2 - PSP TOOL
  35. Hackers To have there hands full. . . .
  36. What is AVC Video?
  37. When will hackers start?
  38. Want the latest firmware for the PSP?
  39. YDict Version .02
  40. RPG Maker Emulation
  41. Important PSP Tips
  42. Metal Slug Emualtor
  43. PSPersonalise
  44. text messaging!
  45. google codeing contest
  46. PsP's programming language
  47. "No Update!?"
  48. A Flash Emulator? Can it be done and made?
  49. 2.0 FIRMWARE HAxORED! Well, maybe. (sticky?)
  50. Hacked downgrade attempt on 1.51. Interesting results
  51. weird findings while hacking
  52. So Freaking Close!!!
  53. PSP hombrew web browser!!
  54. Hex Editing?
  55. A new idea for hacking 2.0
  56. Web Browser Code?
  57. SH4 Assembly
  58. Coming Up Next: Nethack for the PSP
  59. Psp firmware QUESTIONS
  60. What actually can you do with a 1.51?
  61. tried every EMU i could none wrk yet on my 2.0
  62. dc-tool-serial-linux ?
  63. Rolling Back Firmware
  64. so witch one is better
  65. Nethack for the PSP released
  66. Homebrew and Publishing question.
  67. Psp Version 2.0 Hack Solution
  68. Easy pass word protection for programs
  69. Fao Ld Chen
  70. PSP Tips
  71. Getting the ramdrive to mount as root on 2.6.12 linuxsh
  72. This proves it!
  73. Let's join together and complain!
  74. For all you 2.0 users...
  75. Possible v2.0 Homebrew Hack
  76. The Reason Sony Creates Updates. . .
  77. Is there an Emulator for 1.52
  78. 2.0 hack question. . .
  79. Bruce Lee
  80. WinPSPortal
  81. .wmv on psp?
  82. Porting ZSNES to PSP
  83. firmware 2.0
  84. winportal for ver 2.0 possible hack?
  85. Psp Joypad
  86. How the Xbox 360 and PSP apparently interact?
  87. Wifi Switch not Working
  88. NEW HOMEBREW: Wedgewars
  89. my spin on the non-duo cards (internal)
  90. Dual Layer UMD's?
  91. North American Firmware Version 2.0
  92. Please anyone help me.
  93. Help with Lua code...
  94. Button Logger v1.0
  95. Lua Documentation
  96. AnyWay?
  97. AnyWay?
  98. sdk patches?
  99. pspupdates down?
  100. Is a Modchip the only Solution for PSP v2.0 Owners
  101. What to do...
  102. Has a software hack been considered for v2.0?
  103. any 2.00 exploit ideas?
  104. Any softwares to convert the games from UMD to memory(HOMEBREW)
  105. Post 2.0 News Here!
  106. Revert Your 1.51 To 1.50!!!
  107. PSP Game Editing Possible?
  108. PSP Dev Tutorials - Setting up the Development Environment
  109. PSP Dev Tutorials - Creating Your First Program
  110. NORT 0.2 relased
  111. Foreign language text file (help plz)
  112. Any PSP Coders want Mod/news Status
  113. *Actual progress made on hacking 2.0 by WAB*
  114. Firmware downgrade to 1.50 - Possible Solution
  115. Idea: No firmware update program
  116. Is a PSP firmware downgrade possible?
  117. Us Version 2.0 Firmware Released
  118. A Step In Cracking 2.0!
  119. All Programmers Help PLZ
  120. PSP Firmware Version Changer is released by WAB
  121. Can't get toolchan.sh to start in cygwin
  122. Can u help me please
  123. Secrets of eternia
  124. filebrowser with netbios support.
  125. gta 1 question
  126. anybody got workin GBA emu?
  127. I have a stupid n00b question (prolly)
  128. Anyone Order From WINSUNX?
  129. PSP Ladies :p
  130. is it possible to port VLC Player to psp
  131. Stupid Psp Video 9.
  132. Error (game cant be started)
  133. psp (game will not start) Different to the one below
  134. mp4 download does it work?
  135. Anyone know anything new on 2.0
  136. Understanding Each Firmware
  137. News about the 1.5Downgrade
  138. Please Post The 2.0 Hack/Downgrader Here As Soon As Possible
  139. quick logic question?
  140. Quick reminder
  141. Would it be worth it?
  142. Ahhhhhh!
  143. Multiplayer in emus
  144. How to brick your PSP (tested)
  145. LUA Compiling questions
  146. DISCOVERD SOMTHING COOL ( and hopefully helpfull)
  147. New PSP, not opened...
  148. Goods and Bads of each Firmware (read, new people!)
  149. Dead Pixel Cleaner
  150. Copied and pasted this from another forum...
  151. AT3 and PMF
  152. examples for DevkitPRO / DevkitPSP
  153. PAL60 under KOS.
  154. PSP TV - Play your PSP Games on a TV and Use a PS2 Controller
  155. E-mail Shower
  156. When The New Psp Firmware 2.0 Is Out Could You Please Post It Here Thank You!!!
  157. PSP Photo Organizer
  158. Breath Of Fire 3 - The Worlds First PSP Translation -
  159. Downgrader a hoax
  160. Here's a neat idea:
  161. Bufferoverflow in PSP 2.00
  162. ive got 2 psp uk both started with v1.52 one went back to 1.50
  163. Graphics Artist Requested
  164. I am Monkey...
  165. This can't be good news...
  166. Proof of the AloneTrio arresting
  167. Pidgeon Attack Lua Game v0.1
  168. I'm sooo stupid
  169. Brick it?
  170. has anyone got the downgrader for the psp 1.52 version please can you post it here!
  171. does anyone know if i can downgrade my 1.52 psp ? please help!!
  172. my psp is the uk version1.52 can i have hombrew or any emu's on it please tell me thx
  173. i need some advice !!! Should i upgrade my psp 1.52 to 2.0???
  174. PSP V1.52 emulator release?
  175. ngPsp v1.3.1 Release
  176. 1.51 information for you
  177. Tropikka a little project I'm working on.
  178. Downgrader not likely to happen, WAB website is down and PSP-Dev Say no more collab..
  179. V.2.0 Question
  180. Wipeout pure &wad files.
  181. Im beginning cracking 2.0 . . .
  182. SAFE: Change menu text and version number without touching flash
  183. chips?
  184. Wipeout pure mods
  185. Param Hacking And Pbp Unpacker.
  186. MY PSP 2.0 Downgrade or hacking
  187. Programmer Needed
  188. PSP Roulette
  189. Eboot.pbp development
  191. Backwrds??????????
  192. Please send a file...
  193. Is it REALLY true?
  194. did anyone else see this??
  195. WAB Back online
  196. New Fastloader
  197. AloneTrio Talks About Yoshihiro
  198. No Update Method For UMD's
  199. An Old Hack
  200. I've found some interesting info (You might know all this. . .)
  201. PSP Madden 2006 and 1.51 users beware...
  202. PSP wireless remote control for playing PC-based MP3s
  203. PSP Windows Pimped
  204. Cost of an Official PSP Dev kit.
  205. Logical Question concerning Downgrader...
  206. Idea: Use any keyboard/mouse for PSP requiring no hacking
  207. Lua Request : Chess Clock
  208. Check out my news thread
  209. Psp downgrader
  210. Downgrade 2.00 to 1.50 NOW! --> Perfectly working!
  211. 2.00 to other firmwares?
  212. how does the button swapper work?
  213. lua resources
  214. V2.00 Homebrew (Just A Question)
  215. PSPLot
  216. Nintendo DS possebilitys
  217. A request, please read
  218. Is this possible in Lua?
  219. WAB Version changer and upgrades
  220. Lua Player running on Windows PC?
  221. PsP Version changer For PsP Firmware v2.0
  222. Isos Extinct In Future
  223. Isos Extinct In Future
  224. Let Homebrew take up less MS space!
  225. lua guide
  226. Time glitch in PSP 1.50
  227. Quarters Drinking Game for Lua v1.0
  228. Cygwin Bash shell I need help!?
  229. Game Idea
  230. Corrupted folder cannot be deleted
  231. Badly-needed programs for the PSP
  232. Possible Video player port
  233. Communicating with the Memory Stick
  234. RIN cheats
  235. Newer Sega Master System Emu needed
  236. PSP Resetting itself.
  237. Lets all help the newbies !!!
  238. New Homebrew Game Help
  239. Current Status on All 3 Fronts
  240. All Firmware Hacks even 2.01
  241. Anymore news about PSPemu?
  242. About FTPD
  243. Here's my view of it all
  244. Windows CE 5.0 on an x86 (Bochs PSP)!
  245. HELP: random (non repeating) number gen
  246. A few questions, if I may...
  247. Is AdHoc connectivity possible in Lua?
  248. MS wearing down
  249. Just a question about SDL
  250. Need C programmers...