- Help me get into coding for PSP
- linux on a psp
- First attempt at Lua
- Problem with DevKitPSP
- Will there ever be an Nintendo 64 & Sega Dreamcast PSP Emulator ?
- Homebrew Icon Arranger
- A Rumor???
- My dreamcast+ KOS homemade games method
- ghost in the matrix v0.1 source
- Single Memory Card Homebrew!
- New project, PSPtelnet
- 1.51 Now In U.s!!!
- New Firmware 2.0
- Need Help for my PSX emulator port.
- suggested psp apps,
- web browser help!!!!
- Neo Geo Emu
- will this work on psp
- 2.0 Firmware for download
- what would YOU do? (if your son was at home crying. . .haha)
- Welcome to the Official Opening of GPFs New Website
- Letter "A"
- Donations for Devs
- Need help with compiling code to run on the PSP
- PSickoPortable v0.1 - Organize your game folder
- How Long???
- Why does Sony...
- Quick FAQ on 1.50 Homebrew
- .RAR File???
- Super Pong V1.10 Released
- PSP Weather
- WHO is the brave tester? (on 2.0!)
- Help
- PSickoPortable v0.2 - PSP TOOL
- Hackers To have there hands full. . . .
- What is AVC Video?
- When will hackers start?
- Want the latest firmware for the PSP?
- YDict Version .02
- RPG Maker Emulation
- Important PSP Tips
- Metal Slug Emualtor
- PSPersonalise
- text messaging!
- google codeing contest
- PsP's programming language
- "No Update!?"
- A Flash Emulator? Can it be done and made?
- 2.0 FIRMWARE HAxORED! Well, maybe. (sticky?)
- Hacked downgrade attempt on 1.51. Interesting results
- weird findings while hacking
- So Freaking Close!!!
- PSP hombrew web browser!!
- Hex Editing?
- A new idea for hacking 2.0
- Web Browser Code?
- SH4 Assembly
- Coming Up Next: Nethack for the PSP
- Psp firmware QUESTIONS
- What actually can you do with a 1.51?
- tried every EMU i could none wrk yet on my 2.0
- dc-tool-serial-linux ?
- Rolling Back Firmware
- so witch one is better
- Nethack for the PSP released
- Homebrew and Publishing question.
- Psp Version 2.0 Hack Solution
- Easy pass word protection for programs
- Fao Ld Chen
- PSP Tips
- Getting the ramdrive to mount as root on 2.6.12 linuxsh
- This proves it!
- Let's join together and complain!
- For all you 2.0 users...
- Possible v2.0 Homebrew Hack
- The Reason Sony Creates Updates. . .
- Is there an Emulator for 1.52
- 2.0 hack question. . .
- Bruce Lee
- WinPSPortal
- .wmv on psp?
- Porting ZSNES to PSP
- firmware 2.0
- winportal for ver 2.0 possible hack?
- Psp Joypad
- How the Xbox 360 and PSP apparently interact?
- Wifi Switch not Working
- NEW HOMEBREW: Wedgewars
- my spin on the non-duo cards (internal)
- Dual Layer UMD's?
- North American Firmware Version 2.0
- Please anyone help me.
- Help with Lua code...
- Button Logger v1.0
- Lua Documentation
- AnyWay?
- AnyWay?
- sdk patches?
- pspupdates down?
- Is a Modchip the only Solution for PSP v2.0 Owners
- What to do...
- Has a software hack been considered for v2.0?
- any 2.00 exploit ideas?
- Any softwares to convert the games from UMD to memory(HOMEBREW)
- Post 2.0 News Here!
- Revert Your 1.51 To 1.50!!!
- PSP Game Editing Possible?
- PSP Dev Tutorials - Setting up the Development Environment
- PSP Dev Tutorials - Creating Your First Program
- NORT 0.2 relased
- Foreign language text file (help plz)
- Any PSP Coders want Mod/news Status
- *Actual progress made on hacking 2.0 by WAB*
- Firmware downgrade to 1.50 - Possible Solution
- Idea: No firmware update program
- Is a PSP firmware downgrade possible?
- Us Version 2.0 Firmware Released
- A Step In Cracking 2.0!
- All Programmers Help PLZ
- PSP Firmware Version Changer is released by WAB
- Can't get toolchan.sh to start in cygwin
- Can u help me please
- Secrets of eternia
- filebrowser with netbios support.
- gta 1 question
- anybody got workin GBA emu?
- I have a stupid n00b question (prolly)
- Anyone Order From WINSUNX?
- PSP Ladies :p
- is it possible to port VLC Player to psp
- Stupid Psp Video 9.
- Error (game cant be started)
- psp (game will not start) Different to the one below
- mp4 download does it work?
- Anyone know anything new on 2.0
- Understanding Each Firmware
- News about the 1.5Downgrade
- Please Post The 2.0 Hack/Downgrader Here As Soon As Possible
- quick logic question?
- Quick reminder
- Would it be worth it?
- Ahhhhhh!
- Multiplayer in emus
- How to brick your PSP (tested)
- LUA Compiling questions
- DISCOVERD SOMTHING COOL ( and hopefully helpfull)
- New PSP, not opened...
- Goods and Bads of each Firmware (read, new people!)
- Dead Pixel Cleaner
- Copied and pasted this from another forum...
- AT3 and PMF
- examples for DevkitPRO / DevkitPSP
- PAL60 under KOS.
- PSP TV - Play your PSP Games on a TV and Use a PS2 Controller
- E-mail Shower
- When The New Psp Firmware 2.0 Is Out Could You Please Post It Here Thank You!!!
- PSP Photo Organizer
- Breath Of Fire 3 - The Worlds First PSP Translation -
- Downgrader a hoax
- Here's a neat idea:
- Bufferoverflow in PSP 2.00
- ive got 2 psp uk both started with v1.52 one went back to 1.50
- Graphics Artist Requested
- I am Monkey...
- This can't be good news...
- Proof of the AloneTrio arresting
- Pidgeon Attack Lua Game v0.1
- I'm sooo stupid
- Brick it?
- has anyone got the downgrader for the psp 1.52 version please can you post it here!
- does anyone know if i can downgrade my 1.52 psp ? please help!!
- my psp is the uk version1.52 can i have hombrew or any emu's on it please tell me thx
- i need some advice !!! Should i upgrade my psp 1.52 to 2.0???
- PSP V1.52 emulator release?
- ngPsp v1.3.1 Release
- 1.51 information for you
- Tropikka a little project I'm working on.
- Downgrader not likely to happen, WAB website is down and PSP-Dev Say no more collab..
- V.2.0 Question
- Wipeout pure &wad files.
- Im beginning cracking 2.0 . . .
- SAFE: Change menu text and version number without touching flash
- chips?
- Wipeout pure mods
- Param Hacking And Pbp Unpacker.
- MY PSP 2.0 Downgrade or hacking
- Programmer Needed
- PSP Roulette
- Eboot.pbp development
- Backwrds??????????
- Please send a file...
- Is it REALLY true?
- did anyone else see this??
- WAB Back online
- New Fastloader
- AloneTrio Talks About Yoshihiro
- No Update Method For UMD's
- An Old Hack
- I've found some interesting info (You might know all this. . .)
- PSP Madden 2006 and 1.51 users beware...
- PSP wireless remote control for playing PC-based MP3s
- PSP Windows Pimped
- Cost of an Official PSP Dev kit.
- Logical Question concerning Downgrader...
- Idea: Use any keyboard/mouse for PSP requiring no hacking
- Lua Request : Chess Clock
- Check out my news thread
- Psp downgrader
- Downgrade 2.00 to 1.50 NOW! --> Perfectly working!
- 2.00 to other firmwares?
- how does the button swapper work?
- lua resources
- V2.00 Homebrew (Just A Question)
- PSPLot
- Nintendo DS possebilitys
- A request, please read
- Is this possible in Lua?
- WAB Version changer and upgrades
- Lua Player running on Windows PC?
- PsP Version changer For PsP Firmware v2.0
- Isos Extinct In Future
- Isos Extinct In Future
- Let Homebrew take up less MS space!
- lua guide
- Time glitch in PSP 1.50
- Quarters Drinking Game for Lua v1.0
- Cygwin Bash shell I need help!?
- Game Idea
- Corrupted folder cannot be deleted
- Badly-needed programs for the PSP
- Possible Video player port
- Communicating with the Memory Stick
- RIN cheats
- Newer Sega Master System Emu needed
- PSP Resetting itself.
- Lets all help the newbies !!!
- New Homebrew Game Help
- Current Status on All 3 Fronts
- All Firmware Hacks even 2.01
- Anymore news about PSPemu?
- About FTPD
- Here's my view of it all
- Windows CE 5.0 on an x86 (Bochs PSP)!
- HELP: random (non repeating) number gen
- A few questions, if I may...
- Is AdHoc connectivity possible in Lua?
- MS wearing down
- Just a question about SDL
- Need C programmers...