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  • wraggster

    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:53

    Conle has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:

    Heres the full details posted:

    This is going to be my NEO Comp retro submission.
    Excuse me for the very large post but there are a few things i will have to cover.

    ...Lets start


    About GeneScript

    GeneScript or "Genesis Script" or "GS" is an interpreted scripting language like LUA/Python with compiler and virtual machine but has C-Like syntax and does not require entry point function.

    The language supports almost all C operators( + , - , / , * ,% , & , ^ , ! , != , == , = ,|| ,| ,&& , >> , <<, > , < , >= , <= )
    and also the expression parser does precedence and supports parentheses( 3 * 3 * 3 , is different than (3*3)*3
    just like in C).

    The expression parser supports constants , native constants ,hex constants ,float consts, variables ,constant native types , script functions,
    native function , native types just like in C.

    The language comes with 4 base types : string , pointer ,integer(unsigned instruction set to be compatible with pointer), float(Exclusive opcodes are generated for floats)
    and the SDK allows to register custom types and native functions(one of the most powerful features of this scripting language).

    One note about the pointer , is that it uses the unsigned 32bit math instructions
    and then just grabs the result off of it.

    Arrays are supported , but only for int/float types and since there is no garbage collector yet(There is , just disabled)
    you have to statically set their size with a constant. A good thing is , that arrays are very fast.Each access
    is just 2 operations(Virtually!!).

    Objects(Classes) are not yet implemented.

    Regarding strings , you can't use them in arrays yet or in overloaded expressions since i will have to finish the garbage collector
    first and then write a special library that will do the job.For now they're just constant objects.

    To control the flow you can use if statements and while loops.Returns from functions are also allowed
    but you can't use yet continue/break statements due to a small bug in the scope handling that i haven't fixed yet
    so i just disabled them.

    The language does support functions and can have as many arguments you like , but they can only be base types.
    In the feature i will make a native library that will be using the pointer type for allocations and referencing.

    This was one of the features i implemented recently , so in functions that register variables on the stack
    there might be a few bugs but functions that don't take arguments and don't return anything are fine.

    The scope management is not yet that great so you might see the compiler complain for stuff that shouldn't.
    So for this reason always put your while/ifs in a unique scope { } and force-protect your code ,
    also in expressions it is suggested to use parentheses since this enables the parentheses-balance code
    and always knows where to stop.

    One of the most powerful characteristics of this scripting language , is the native function support.
    Not only they are very fast since they're referenced by an index value instead hashmaps+loops but they make your life easier.

    Take a look at the script code i've written to display the neo logo , and then the script asks you
    to press a few buttons and you can see all the action on the screen.All this code executes directly
    the native functions and the logic is as usual handled by the virtual machine.

    The compiler
    The compiler is the "heart" of the scripting language.
    Currently it is a pc application(linux 64bit,linux32bit,windows 32bit) but at some point
    when the C++ support on n64 reach a descent level i will combine the compiler with the SDK + VM(On pc the vm goes with
    the compiler as a set already and even allows realtime access to exported symbols).

    The compiler's job:
    It translates all the code into instructions(opcodes) and then does some possible optimizations.

    For example , it can detect cases like "int/float/pointer n = 0;" and can generate single instructions
    instead 2.

    The compiler also reports at the end of the compilation the memory usage of the virtual machine
    and allows you to specify stack optimizations.

    In total there are 3 stack optimizations : Level0 : Sets the relocation info to defaults , Level1 :
    Sets the relocation info to the average predicted , Level2:Forces the Virtual machine to fully reserve
    all the relocation info needed at once(This is a huge performance boost!!).

    It also handles the stack nearly perfect and makes sure that the program will never leave any of the stacks
    with unwanted data.

    The instructions are long-aligned and the format is so easy to interpret that makes dynamic recompilation
    piece of cake!

    The virtual machine

    Another important thing is the virtual machine.Without it the object code is useless.

    The virtual machine reads the bytecode , handles the flow , controls all registers and does all the logic.

    There are about 110opcodes that the VM can handle , and about 15main registers that are used.
    For everything else a stack is used and handled in the way that the compiler specifies.

    Regarding the n64 port of the virtual machine ...it is really fast and carefuly coded , so you get
    all the performance you could get from an interpreted approach.

    Native runtime libraries(Or Native functions of the N64 port)
    Currently the RTL is at a descent level.

    There are functions that allows you to render text , display and load images from the SD,
    read the controllers , get the system ticks and render geometric shapes.

    There are also functions to print integer and float types on screen.

    At some point i will improve them , but you can do many things with it already.Even a mini game is very possible.

    How to write code
    Its simple , but i'll have to say that you must know how to program in order
    to use this scripting language.

    Also , as far as the N64 port goes , first try to learn the basics of C and libragon(The library
    used by the native library set) before you try anything.

    After that , the syntax is pretty much like C.

    Look at the code of the demo that displays the NEOFLASH LOGO and asks for some input:
    (This code is pure script and runs on n64 as instructions)

    Code: [Select]
    //Genescript scripting language demo.//Demo : Native functions(libs) + Script functions test//Filename : test1.gsc//Some global variablesint previous = 0;int running = 1;void show_neo_logo(){ int id; int ctx; id = gslgfx_gen_texture("/genescript/neologo.jpg"); if((id == 0)) { gslconsole_printS("..."); gslconsole_printS("Unable to load : /genescript/neologo.jpg"); while(1){} }// ctx = gslgfx_lock(1); //pass 0 to ctx and the vm will pick one gslgfx_render_sprite(0,id,0,0);// gslgfx_unlock(ctx); gsltiming_delay(500); ctx = gslgfx_lock(1); gslgfx_fill_screen(ctx,0); gslgfx_unlock(ctx);}//setup consolevoid init(){ gslconsole_init(); gslconsole_set_render_mode(1); gslconsole_printS("....\n\nGeneScript demo."); gslconsole_printS("Press A,B,Z buttons to print the event.\nPress START to end the script\n");}void shutdown(){ gslconsole_close();}void event_loop(){ int btn; btn = gslctrl_read_buttons(0); if( (btn ^ previous)) { previous = btn; int a = gslctrl_button_pressed_A(btn); if(a) { gslconsole_printS("A Pressed...\n"); return; } int b = gslctrl_button_pressed_B(btn); if(b) { gslconsole_printS("B Pressed...\n"); return; } int z = gslctrl_button_pressed_Z(btn); if(z) { gslconsole_printS("Z Pressed...\n"); return; } int s = gslctrl_button_pressed_START(btn); if(s) { gslconsole_printS("END Pressed...\n"); running = 0; } }}//show neo logoshow_neo_logo();init();//main loopwhile(running > 0){ event_loop();}shutdown();
    How to compile and run scripts
    Extract the package,then
    Copy "n64_vm/GenescriptVM.v64" and the directory "genescript"(in "n64_vm/") on top of your SDC.

    Compile the code using the compiler:
    genecompX86 scriptfile optimization_level

    For example to compile script.gsc with optimization level2 do this :
    genecompX86 script.gsc 2

    Now place the resulting "script.gsobj" in the directory "genescript"
    and run "GenescriptVM.v64" from the menu.

    NEOCompo demos
    There's currently one demo in the "genescript" directory
    so just follow "How to compile and run scripts" and run the vm.

    For those who wonder how the compiled code looks like here is something that will answer your questions.

    Input file : playgound.gsc (Pure GeneScript script file)

    Code: [Select]
    //Genescript scripting language demo.//Demo : Playgroundint array[8];float fArray[8];void init(){ gslconsole_init();}void shutdown(){ gslconsole_close();}void say_hello(){ gslconsole_printS("Hello...\n...World!\n");}void do_ifs(){ int value = 0; if(value > 10) { value = value * 10 /2; value = value & 1; }}void do_loop(){ int i = 0; while(i < 5) { array[i] = 0; i = (i + 1); if(i >= 2) { return; } }}//Call somethinginit();say_hello();do_loop();do_ifs();shu tdown();
    Once compiled , it will look like this(This is a Compiler + VM SDK cycle dump)

    (Note : Those jumps on top actually jump the function section to protect them
    from the vm since there is no entry point.

    Code: [Select]
    Genescript compilerCopyright conleon , 2010 - 2011Usage : scriptfile optlevel(0 ~ 2)Program flow memory usage prediction [FULL CYCLE] : ISP 0x6 FSP 0x0 PSP 0x1 RSP 0x0Program flow memory usage prediction [AVERAGE] : ISP 0x0 FSP 0x0 PSP 0x0 RSP 0x0Level '2' optimization in progress...0x0:NOP (A 0,B 0,C -780713992,FA -66370764800.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x7f28526ec7d1,PB 0x7f2800000001,MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB 0x7f28526c1420,RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x4:ZEROREGS (A 0,B 0,C -780713992,FA -66370764800.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x7f28526ec7d1,PB 0x7f2800000001,MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB 0x7f28526c1420,RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x8:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1c:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x20:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x34:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x38:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x6c:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x70:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x108:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x10c:JMP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1d0:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1d4:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x10:NATCALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x18:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x1dc:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x40:PLDOBJ (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA (nil),PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x5c:PARGPUSH (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 0,RLC 72)0x60:NATCALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x68:RET (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x1e4:CALL (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 0,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x114:ZERO (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x118:ST (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x120:NOP (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x124:LD (A 0,B 0,C 0,FA 0.000000,FB 0.000000,FC 0.000000,PA 0x1b51118,PB (nil),MEM 0x1b4e190,MBA (nil),MBB (nil),RSP 1,FSP 0,ISP 0,PSP 1,RLC 72)0x12c:PUSH
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:44

    Total_Noob has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:

    Heres the full details posted:

    Nickname: Total_Noob
    Projet name: Ultimate VSH Menu Final
    From: Switzerland
    Division: Retro APP
    Platform: PSP
    Original enter: YES
    Support Motion: NO
    In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

    Ultimate VSH Menu is an advanced VSH Menu for CFW 5.XX. There are many useful features, like hide umd update icon, skip gameboot or load recovery menu.

    - All features of the official VSH Menu.
    - Slim Colors Patch by Bubbletune integrated (don`t forget to flash 13-27.bmp).
    - Ability to hide the MAC address in the System Information.
    - Possibility to hide the UMD update icon.
    - Skip gameboot can be enabled or disabled (you'll save ~4sec^^).
    - Convert battery option is available in the VSH Menu (convert battery to Pandora, Autoboot or Normal).
    - Option to suspend the device.
    - VSH Recovery can be opened in the VSH Menu.
    - Ability to quickly exit the recovery by pressing SELECT or HOME (or use the normal Exit).
    - Recovery can reboot by holding R and going to exit (useful for VSH plugins and other configurations).
    - VSH Recovery can be loaded from the Memory Stick (ms0:/seplugins/vshrecovery.prx).
    - Compatibility with Lockdown by Torch.

    Copy the 'PSP' folder to the root of your Memory Stick and launch 'Ultimate VSH Menu Installer'.

    If you like this plugin, you can donate me, thanks

    - Ultimate VSH Menu Final patches many addresses to add its own items. Some patches are similar to Game Categories Plugin v3, but the patches are founded by me.
    - Source code will be released after the contest.
    - Sorry for my poor English, I'm a Swiss

    - Thanks to Dark_AleX for his awesome work for the PSP scene.
    - Thanks to Bubbletune for his Slim Colors Patch src.
    - Thanks to SilverSpring for the reversed battery functions.

    http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6265.0.html ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:42

    mic_ has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:

    Heres the full details posted:

    Nickname: mic
    Project name: Hunter
    From: Sweden
    Division: Retro APP
    Platform: PC-E
    Original enter: YES
    Support Motion: NO(?)
    In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

    Project description:

    It plays NSFs on the TurboGrafx / PC-Engine. NSF is the format used for ripping soundtracks from NES / Famicom games.

    How to use:

    Creating the player ROM
    Start rombuilder.exe. Drag the NSF files to the top listbox, then press "Build". A ROM
    named hunter.pce will be generated in the same directory as the rombuilder.

    Only up to 15 NSFs will be added to the ROM.

    Each NSF must be <= 32 kB in size.

    Some NSFs will not play correctly (or at all) even if they were added successfully by the
    rombuilder. This might be because they rely on some feature not supported by my player.
    Some examples of NSFs that will not play correctly are Metroid, Rygar, Star Force and Rush'n Attack.

    DMC is not supported, and will simply not be heard. No extra sound hardware is supported either
    (such as FDS, MMC5 or N106).

    Using the player
    Run the generated hunter.pce file in an emulator (like mednafen), or on your TurboGrafx / PC-E.

    [Up/Down] navigates through the NSF list.

    [Left/Right] navigates through the sub-songs of the currently playing NSF.

    [II] starts playback of the highlighted NSF/song.

    [ I] restarts playback of the currently playing NSF/song.

    [Select] toggles volume overdrive mode. When active, it boosts the volume of the square wave and noise
    channels, which can be useful for soundtracks that have low volumes (like Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear,
    Silver Surfer, etc).

    [Run] toggles the playback speed. If the NSF's original speed is NTSC it will switch to PAL, and vice

    http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6268.0.html ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:39

    miguel28 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:

    Heres the full details posted:

    Nickname: miguel28
    Projet name: DScritor V1.0
    From: Mexico
    Division: Retro APP
    Platform: NDS
    Original enter: Yes
    Support Motion: NO
    In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

    Project description:
    It is a great with which you can create text writing with the stylus directly on the touch screen on a handwriting. You can even be used as a "Paint" to draw if we're bored.

    How to use:
    This application basically is a tool which you can write text, but by hand, and our NDS recognized as one letter to the show on the top screen, and then we can save in TXT format microSD.
    It also has a text viewer so you can read the files already saved. To make matters worse it also has the option of drawing, in which we can change the background, change the color and brush size, and we can save them in bmp format DScitor folder in the root of the microSD and after viewing them.

    In the file includes an image, Letters.bmp to indicate how each letter should be written for the NDS recognizes it, and not confuse them. You strongly recommend that the touch screen is in good condition and well calibrated to better decteccion letters.
    I fotget it the "P" is:

    This application must be loaded as any homebrew, and it needs patching DLDI and DScritor in the root folder of the microSD.

    * Stylus: On the touch screen to draw letters or other characters in the drawing mode
    * Buttons: Different functions depending on the selected mode specified on the top screen

    http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6274.0.html ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:34

    Aguilera_87 has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:

    Heres the full details posted:

    Nickname: Aguilera_87
    Projet name: Tirada2
    From: Spain
    Division: Retro APP
    Platform: NDS
    Original enter: YES
    Support Motion: NO
    In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

    Project description:
    It's a dice roller, classic dices and custom dices with a basic and nice GUI.
    Six-sided dice only allow to change the number of dice to roll, being able to choose from 1 to 21.
    Custom dice allowed values from 0 to 999, and you can choose any range within these limits. Also you can choose from 1 to 21 dices.

    How to use:
    Touch the screen to navegate around the app.
    "Roll Dice" throw all the dices on the board, and you can press on each individually for throw it.
    “Higher” shows the maximum value obtained in a spin, and "Total" shows the sum of the values in a roll of the dices.


    http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index....ic,6260.0.html ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:31

    Just over one month after its release, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is finding itself plugged into gaming consoles all across the world.

    The video game has reportedly shipped over 2.7 million copies, surpassing expectations, despite the Potter franchise's successful history.

    Time Warner's recently released earnings report confirmed the sales.

    This begs the question: With the video game climbing the sales charts, is LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 in the not too distant future?

    http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3708 ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:29

    The Harry Potter video games are about to take on a whole new level of interactivity, as Electronic Arts today announced that the Xbox 360 version of the upcoming Deathly Hallows, Part 1 video game will take advantage of Microsoft's new Xbox Kinect technology.

    As demonstrated today by the Phelps twins at a German video game conference, players will be able to use their body to fight off enemies in the game. You're able to aim as well as fire your spells using your arms.

    Watch video of the Phelps twins playing the game at this link. Find it in stores this November. Again, this Kinect technology will only be available on Xbox 360. Thanks to Mats, Brandon, Raul, Cena, and Henry for the tip!

    http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3714 ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:27

    News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/...pkIZJKqkWt.php

    Scuba156 released a new version of FSD2 Config Editor, an application to edit FSD [FreeStyle Dash] 2.0's config via a GUI.

    What's new/fixed:
    * added logo
    * added XeLove image, acts as a status display
    * added FTP upload/download

    Official Site: http://code.google.com/p/fsd2configeditor/ ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:25

    While Microsoft's Xbox 360 is made in China, it still isn't available for legal purchase there, nor is Sony's PlayStation 3 or Nintendo's Wii, but the Redmond, Washington-based company isn't giving up hope.

    Microsoft executive Zhang Yaqin told the Shanghai Daily that the company still hopes to receive approval to sell the 360 in China, but that "... it all depends on the government." There's still no set timetable for launch and the issue involves "several government bureaus," which, of course, only adds multiple layers of bureaucracy.

    http://gamepolitics.com/2010/08/09/m...consoles-china ...
    by Published on August 20th, 2010 10:25

    The patent for Microsoft's motion-sensing camera Kinect suggested that the device could understand American Sign Language. Well, it can't. At least, the version going on sale in November can't.

    Responding to the claims made in the patent, Microsoft has told Kotaku "We are excited about the potential of Kinect and its potential to impact gaming and entertainment. Microsoft files lots of patent applications to protect our intellectual property, not all of which are brought to market right away. Kinect that is shipping this holiday will not support sign language."

    The original Kinect had a much higher resolution (over twice that of the final model's 320x240), and as such, was able to not only recognise the limbs of a player as the current model version can, but their fingers as well (which the current version can't). And when the hardware could recognise fingers, it would have been able to read sign language.

    http://kotaku.com/5609840/kinect-dum...-sign-language ...
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