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  • wraggster

    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 01:03

    Ahman has posted 2 plugins for his excellent Shell for the PSP, heres the info on both:

    Here is the iR Shell plugin for pmpmod v2.02.
    The CROSS & SQUARE keys have been swapped. That is,

    CROSS: Pause/resume
    SQUARE + Left/Right: fast forward/rewind


    Here is the bookr 0.71 plugin for iR Shell.

    http://www.irshell.com/download/bookr071.zip ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:59

    Famitsu the Jap Magazine has said that with the pricepoint and unique gameplay that it expects the Wii to win the next gen war.

    What do you think ? ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:59

    Famitsu the Jap Magazine has said that with the pricepoint and unique gameplay that it expects the Wii to win the next gen war.

    What do you think ? ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:59

    Famitsu the Jap Magazine has said that with the pricepoint and unique gameplay that it expects the Wii to win the next gen war.

    What do you think ? ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:53

    From the Circuit City site:

    Want to play your original xbox games on your new Xbox 360?
    Backward compatibility on the Xbox 360 is done through software*

    Let Circuit City install it for you
    For just $28.99

    What are the benefits to playing original Xbox games on my Xbox 360 console?

    • Every game* will be playable in high definition.
    • Every original Xbox game* will be upscaled to 720p and 1080i, and will take advantage of Xbox 360's anti-aliasing capabilities, delivering a picture that is clear and crisper than anything available on Xbox.

    *Refer to the original Xbox games list to ensure compatibility on the Xbox 360.

    Cheeky Basts ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:50

    All of you who have the Max Media Player now have a new update from Datel, heres the info:

    We promised we’d give it to you, and at Datel, our word is our bond. MAX Media Player 1.2, available now as a free download, lets you play videos right out of the box without installing MoonShell or other such third-party application on your MAX Media Dock or 4GB HDD!

    If you've already upgraded to MAX Media Player v.1.01, you can already play MP3s without installing any third-party software. And now, with Version 1.2, we’ve added support for D3V video playback too!

    The new version of MAX Media Player interface is just as simple to use as the old one. To play a video or audio file, use the browser to navigate to where the file is stored on your Media Dock, and double-tap the file. This automatically opens the Media Player software, with its easy-to-use playback controls. And putting files onto your Media Dock is just as simple as before too. Just connect the device to your PC using the USB cable supplied, and drag and drop your MP3s and D3Vs into the correct folders.

    MAX DS Video Converter is really simple. Just open the application and browse for the video file you would like to convert. Once you’ve selected the file, click the ‘Encode’ button to begin encoding. MAX DS Video Converter uses settings optimised for playback on your Media Dock to transcode a wide range of source video types such as .avi, .mpg, .mov and more. Now just drag and drop the completed D3V movie file to your Media Dock and you’re ready to play it back on your DS.

    And remember, proud as we are of MAX Media Player v1.2, we won’t rest on our laurels. Our programmers are already working on the next version of this sizzling software, so keep checking back for updates. And if you haven’t yet invested in a copy of MAX Media Player and the Media Dock, there are several versions available.

    Download and Give feedback Via Comments ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:50

    All of you who have the Max Media Player now have a new update from Datel, heres the info:

    We promised we’d give it to you, and at Datel, our word is our bond. MAX Media Player 1.2, available now as a free download, lets you play videos right out of the box without installing MoonShell or other such third-party application on your MAX Media Dock or 4GB HDD!

    If you've already upgraded to MAX Media Player v.1.01, you can already play MP3s without installing any third-party software. And now, with Version 1.2, we’ve added support for D3V video playback too!

    The new version of MAX Media Player interface is just as simple to use as the old one. To play a video or audio file, use the browser to navigate to where the file is stored on your Media Dock, and double-tap the file. This automatically opens the Media Player software, with its easy-to-use playback controls. And putting files onto your Media Dock is just as simple as before too. Just connect the device to your PC using the USB cable supplied, and drag and drop your MP3s and D3Vs into the correct folders.

    MAX DS Video Converter is really simple. Just open the application and browse for the video file you would like to convert. Once you’ve selected the file, click the ‘Encode’ button to begin encoding. MAX DS Video Converter uses settings optimised for playback on your Media Dock to transcode a wide range of source video types such as .avi, .mpg, .mov and more. Now just drag and drop the completed D3V movie file to your Media Dock and you’re ready to play it back on your DS.

    And remember, proud as we are of MAX Media Player v1.2, we won’t rest on our laurels. Our programmers are already working on the next version of this sizzling software, so keep checking back for updates. And if you haven’t yet invested in a copy of MAX Media Player and the Media Dock, there are several versions available.

    Download and Give feedback Via Comments ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:45

    Via IGN

    In an interview with Japan's Nikkei BP, Sony Computer Entertainment corporate executive Izumi Kawanishi, who heads up software platform development at the company, shared some unique visions Sony has for the PSP platform in relation to the PlayStation 3. The title of the article tells it all: "PSP will become a Virtual PS3."

    Nikkei began by asking Kawanishi to discuss Sony's plans for PlayStation emulation on the PSP, which was first announced at the March PlayStation Meeting. "Just before the PlayStation Meeting," said Kawanishi, "we learned that it was technically possible to emulate the PS1 on the PSP. The emulation technology is original. We're currently doing internal tests, but things are moving quite well."

    Kawanishi was mum about specific plans, but did cite some of the difficulties with the emulation project. "Emulating all PSP games would be difficult. The PS1 has left and right analogue sticks and a large number of controller buttons. The PSP has just one analogue stick, and a different number of buttons. There's no power problem with emulation, but there are limitations with the user interface."

    Sony actually tried out digital distribution of PlayStation games on the PS2. In Japan, it was possible for a while to download a select few titles to the PS2 hard disk. However, Sony never went ahead with the project. Explained Kawanishi, "The structure for e-Distribution took shape on the PS2, where we wanted to move content distribution from disk media to the network. The broadband environment wasn't set up at the time, so we were unable to realize this."

    The times have changed, however. "Now, fiber optic is already spreading," noted Kawanishi. "We felt that there was now an environment where true e-Distribution could be realized, so we made an announcement again in March."

    Sony may have some Xbox Live style plans for its e-distribution scheme. "Games for PS3, PSP, PS1 and so-forth will be distributed via the network. While popular series are a separate matter, it's becoming hard to tell what's inside the package of recent games. So, we're thinking of distributing demo versions. In the case of PS1 games, we believe that if we make a library of all games available, similar to what Amazon does for books, there will be many users who want to give the classic titles a try."

    To no great surprise, Sony's plans go beyond games. "Distributed content won't be limited just to games," explained Kawanishi. "It will also likely include movies. While we can't get a grasp for how well UMD movie software is selling, there's no question that the world is moving in the direction of network distribution for movies. I've heard that So-Net's Portable TV is performing well."

    All this downloadable content brings up a big question: how long will the wait be for such massive files? Kawanishi explained. "The download amount will, put simply, be one CD's worth -- at most 600 Megabytes. PS1 game programs themselves are small, but the music data is recorded to CD tracks. When the music data is added, it's quite large in terms of volume. However, looking at the current state of internet distribution, downloading files of 400M and 500M doesn't take up too much time. This level of volume is in the range of tolerance."

    For those who are worried about Sony taking its time to get a network infrastructure in place for the PS3, Kawanishi's next comment should offer some relief. Asked if gamers will be able to use e-Distribution from the day they purchase a PS3, he said, "That's the plan."

    But you may not need a PS3 in order to download PS1 content to your PSP. Asked what means you'll have to download content, Kawanishi said, "There will be three: through the PS3, through the PC, or direct download to the PSP via wireless LAN. Our fundamental stance is to use an open network, so PC-based downloads will be possible. And not only that, but we believe things like download through cell phones are also a possibility. We don't plan on placing limits on the network."

    Kawanishi also suggested that Sony might allow gamers to play PS1 games through emulation on the PC and, in the future, on a cell phone.

    The interview then shifted to linking up the PS3 and PSP. "It's possible to have distribution of video imagery from the PS3 to PSP," said Kawanishi. "In other words, images that are rendered on the PS3 will be sent to the PSP via wireless LAN. If the PS3 is something like a home server that's placed in the center of your home, the PSP is an information terminal that you carry with you."

    According to Nikkei, Kawanishi was referring to 3D imagery that's rendered on the PS3 and viewed on the PSP. Is he talking about actual gameplay? That's the big question. IGN will chime in here with the opinion that we wouldn't want to play a high-speed fighting game rendered on the PS3 but running on the PSP, as every button press would suffer from network lag. A slow RPG or strategy game? That's another story!

    "PS3 video can be viewed as is on the PSP, so the PSP becomes like ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:42

    Spout, a minimalist game by Kuni. Ported to the Zodiac from the original version by Andrew Kearns (aka Vilmos). I got annoyed with the controls when I started playing this game on my GP2X so I ported it to the Zodiac where the joystick may not be better, but I'm definitely used to it.

    Thanks to testers: Charles and Mrpropre. Also thanks to Mrpropre for the snazzy icons!

    More Info ...
    by Published on September 2nd, 2006 00:38

    Xport has released a new version of his Playstation emulator for the Xbox:

    Heres whats new:

    Save state loading caused crashes under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.

    Defaulted "Auto load most recent save state" to off since this seems to be causing lots of problems.

    If this is not disabled automatically for you, I suggest making sure it's always off unless you know what you're doing.

    Download Here ...
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