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  • bandit

    by Published on December 19th, 2010 22:13

    Nintendo has contracted the production of its Nintendo 3DS cartridges to Taiwan-based solid-state maker Macronix. And apparently, those cartridges offer enormous memory space.

    According to Taiwanese-site Gamrade, the 3DS cartridge is able to hold up to 8GB, but it's rumored Nintendo will be enforcing some kind of 2GB limit on 3DS games (details are few and far between in the report), with 1GB the supposed very least required. So don't hold your breath for 8GB Nintendo 3DS games any time soon; however, that may change over the course of the console's life.

    Still, this shows just how much of an improvement the 3DS is considering the biggest cartridges for the Nintendo DS are only 512MB.

    That's a lot of Pokemon's to store. Hopefully, we'll see great things come from this from the developers.

    Source: Kotaku ...
    by Published on December 18th, 2010 03:56

    X3Max posted this image a couple of days ago and no one really knew what it meant...

    Unfortunately, its not the "3.50 jailbreak" that they prematurely posted a video of but its something especially for those who purchased the dongle and looking for a downgrade. We have attached the downgrade file and instructions for your convenience. Downgrade method is the same as all other jailbreaks.

    However, you'll need to download the "modified 3.41 PUP" and "Lv2Diag.self's" via Google or other PS3 hacking sites as they are Sony copyrighted files.

    Source: Logic-Sunrise ...
    by Published on December 16th, 2010 19:19

    Finally, the famous block game has come to PS3 thanks to Slicer4ever over at PS3Hax. Here is what he had to say:

    The video above is from an earlier state, the game is now nearly complete and created by me, and now released, so enjoy

    binary pkg: (attached below)
    source: have to fix 2 bugs first, then will release source

    known bugs:

    1. Scores don't save (I don't know why yet!)
    2. Attempting to play in 480p causes the PS3 to crash! (Not a clue on this one either)

    Well, I need some sleep now!

    Hopefully you guys well find some fun out of it!

    According to video description on YouTube video, it uses ooPo's toolchain and PSL1GHT making it completly legal. It also takes advantage of the GPU, using the RSX for all rendering.

    Source: PS3Hax ...
    by Published on December 16th, 2010 19:19

    Finally, the famous block game has come to PS3 thanks to Slicer4ever over at PS3Hax. Here is what he had to say:

    The video above is from an earlier state, the game is now nearly complete and created by me, and now released, so enjoy

    binary pkg: (attached below)
    source: have to fix 2 bugs first, then will release source

    known bugs:

    1. Scores don't save (I don't know why yet!)
    2. Attempting to play in 480p causes the PS3 to crash! (Not a clue on this one either)

    Well, I need some sleep now!

    Hopefully you guys well find some fun out of it!

    According to video description on YouTube video, it uses ooPo's toolchain and PSL1GHT making it completly legal. It also takes advantage of the GPU, using the RSX for all rendering.

    Source: PS3Hax ...
    by Published on December 16th, 2010 15:58

    The new Xbox 360 Slim doesn't have replaceable faceplate, so whatever happened to those faceplate accessories that people bought to spice up their Xbox 360 and make it unique?

    Our interview with Albert Penello in the latest issue of OXM's Five Years Of Xbox 360 feature includes a look back at the misjudged faceplate accessory.

    "We don't ever create an accessory with the intent of having it fail", Penello says. "The idea wasn't bad... people used to put faceplates on their cell phones. Rewind five years, faceplates were what everybody wanted to do."

    The Xbox 360 S, which was revealed at E3 this year, doesn't use faceplates and new official faceplates haven't been released for years. It "turned out nobody bought it. So [we stopped] making them. We killed that one pretty quickly".

    Did you buy any faceplates?

    Source: Official Xbox 360 Magazine (OXM) ...
    by Published on December 16th, 2010 15:58

    The new Xbox 360 Slim doesn't have replaceable faceplate, so whatever happened to those faceplate accessories that people bought to spice up their Xbox 360 and make it unique?

    Our interview with Albert Penello in the latest issue of OXM's Five Years Of Xbox 360 feature includes a look back at the misjudged faceplate accessory.

    "We don't ever create an accessory with the intent of having it fail", Penello says. "The idea wasn't bad... people used to put faceplates on their cell phones. Rewind five years, faceplates were what everybody wanted to do."

    The Xbox 360 S, which was revealed at E3 this year, doesn't use faceplates and new official faceplates haven't been released for years. It "turned out nobody bought it. So [we stopped] making them. We killed that one pretty quickly".

    Did you buy any faceplates?

    Source: Official Xbox 360 Magazine (OXM) ...
    by Published on December 15th, 2010 15:04

    We received an email from PS3YES! letting us know that they released a 3.55SPOOF
    We just release SPOOF355 for PS3YES-PRO and PS3YES to prevent update. This payload will prevent the console in updating to v3.55

    This update only stops you from updating to v3.55. There is no PSN access and you can NOT play 3.50 firmware based games.

    So to make this clear...
    • YOU CAN NOT PLAY GT5 (original or backup)
    • YOU CAN NOT PLAY N4S:HP (original or backup)
    We've attached the files below for your convenience. Expect other jailbreak manufacturers to follow and release it for their respective dongles. However, if you already own a X3Max, you won't have to wait as it accepts ALL .hex payload files and converts them.

    If you haven't jumped on the PS3 Jailbreak bandwagon, you can purchase PS3YES! from LighTake (PRO), VolumeRates (PRO), VolumeRates and DealExtreme.

    PS3YES-Pro: port1_hermes_spoof355_ps3yespro.bin
    PS3YES: Hermesv4b_spoof355_ps3yes.hex

    Source: PS3YES! ...
    by Published on December 15th, 2010 15:04

    We received an email from PS3YES! letting us know that they released a 3.55SPOOF
    We just release SPOOF355 for PS3YES-PRO and PS3YES to prevent update. This payload will prevent the console in updating to v3.55

    This update only stops you from updating to v3.55. There is no PSN access and you can NOT play 3.50 firmware based games.

    So to make this clear...
    • YOU CAN NOT PLAY GT5 (original or backup)
    • YOU CAN NOT PLAY N4S:HP (original or backup)
    We've attached the files below for your convenience. Expect other jailbreak manufacturers to follow and release it for their respective dongles. However, if you already own a X3Max, you won't have to wait as it accepts ALL .hex payload files and converts them.

    If you haven't jumped on the PS3 Jailbreak bandwagon, you can purchase PS3YES! from LighTake (PRO), VolumeRates (PRO), VolumeRates and DealExtreme.

    PS3YES-Pro: port1_hermes_spoof355_ps3yespro.bin
    PS3YES: Hermesv4b_spoof355_ps3yes.hex

    Source: PS3YES! ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2010 03:58

    InsideX3 has some interesting information to provide in regards to X3Max and the video that was released about 3.50 jailbreak...

    First, the Google translation about Masterkey via Logic-Sunrise:
    After many setbacks, and still nothing concrete, Team Unveils X3 listing is: we have the masterkey for the PS3. Mathieulh Masterkey had earlier unveiled the PS3′s USB, but Masterkey console would be in the hands of the creators of X3max. Getting the PS3 Masterkey would result from the full opening of the console, be it for firmware 3.50 and further.

    That would explain many things: Why they are slow to release their 3.5 jailbreak, and why the team is as confident as could be shown in their news today on the official website of the team. However, the PS3 is unreal scene once more. We strive to news provided by the X3 team, but we remain vigilant as to their veracity, as Mathieulh has provided a fake video of GT5 being run on firmware 3.50, everything is still fakeable.

    It is difficult for us not to take sides (what was already a little too done): On one side a team that looks serious, with a dongle quality, and on another side great scene actors that contradic . Advance information of such importance without being true, would result in a significant loss of sales of their industry, or general interrogation that exists within the scene PS3. Opinions were extremely divided, we first.

    We therefore remain cautious once again with this incredible news, without seeing any confirmation: Everyone therefore expect the team turning the X3 for the days to come. Anyway, fake or not, soon we’ll know in a formal way, we news, with somewhat less enthusiasm than the first ad. Anyway, keep your comments courteous in the arguments, the debate could be very constructive: it would avoid to see the topic lock.

    For all buyers of X3max dongle who did buy that 3.50 for the jailbreak of the PS3, the store you repay on demand, of course, even if all 7 days have passed (even 20, they’re crazy!), we prefer that you are happy with your purchases. its LS main goal. Wait a bit anyway, time to know definitively if it’s info, or intoxication.

    This is what InsideX3 has to say:
    Earlier today it was reported that our group discovered the MasterKey – InsideX3 has confirm this! The video released last week was done prematurely and out of excitement. Many of you are pushing for us release our 3.5 solution understandably so. I completely understand the logic that once released it’ll be cloned and truthfully that’s inevitable. At the same time we must do our best to prevent, or at least delay that from happening.

    The intent of this post is not to continue the discussion of our 3.5 solution but to announce the launch of the X3Max V2GB. A 2GB MicroSD is now included and some minor alterations have been made to the retail packaging, pictures can be seen below. Our production run was finished last week and the X3Max V2GB is now in transit to all resellers.

    The X3Max V2GB will be offered as a standalone kit with a RRP of $35 USD, or with the X3Switch included for $40.

    To Summarize:
    What is the current ETA of the 3.5 solution?

    When it is done and ready for public use it’ll be immediately released.

    I have an original X3Max, do I have to buy the X3Max V2GB for the 3.5 solution?
    No, the X3Max hardware is identical besides the additional 2GB MicroSD. Once released, the solution will work on both units. We have no intention of dropping support for early adopters.

    I’m interested in purchasing an X3Max V2GB, when will they be ready?
    We finished production late last week and inventory is now in route to resellers. We expect that resellers will be fully stocked for the holiday rush by December 15th.

    A lot of users have asked us for pictures of our manufacturing facility out of sheer curiosity, some photos have been attached below. To see the remaining pictures click HERE.

    Don't forget to read our full review of the X3Max USB Jailbreak dongle. The lowered retail price is much more attractive and you can even have the option of purchasing just the dongle or dongle and switch for an additional $5! And the fact that they won't leave early adopters hanging, gets a BIG thumbs up from me! However, lets hope this is true and its released soon and not another "blowing smoke" up our ass news.

    You can purchase your X3Max at Acekard.ca and X3Max.ca.

    Source: PSX-Scene and X3Max ...
    by Published on December 11th, 2010 17:57

    The PlayStation 3 was a massive investment for many gamers, especially for those that bought the console at launch. For Sony, the costs were even higher, with billions spent on development, and more spent on selling the console at a loss. So its no wonder the company wants to extend the PS3′s life-cycle, and thus make profit on the platform. Now, a Sony patent has hinted that they will release external processors to make the console even more powerful – without the need for a PS4.

    The benefits of an upgrade to the PS3 are obvious – allowing for a more powerful machine, without having to pay so much for a new console. However, the “PS3 External Processor” has its drawbacks: it wouldn’t give consumers the same experience as a full new console, and would run the risk of both fragmenting and confusing the market.

    The patent – from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Tokyo, JP – explains the reasoning behind the processing peripheral:

    In recent years, there has been an insatiable desire for faster computer processing data throughputs because cutting-edge computer applications involve real-time, multimedia functionality. Graphics applications are among those that place the highest demands on a processing system because they require such vast numbers of data accesses, data computations, and data manipulations in relatively short periods of time to achieve desirable visual results. These applications require extremely fast processing speeds, such as many thousands of megabits of data per second. While some processing systems employ a single processor to achieve fast processing speeds, others are implemented utilizing multi-processor architectures. In multi-processor systems, a plurality of sub-processors can operate in parallel (or at least in concert) to achieve desired processing results.

    Coming to the conclusion that:

    Accordingly, there are needs in the art for new methods and apparatus for interconnecting one or more multiprocessor systems with one or more external devices to achieve higher processing capabilities.

    The patent is shown in a picture:

    The dotted area 500, is the external processor, with the patent explaining that the memory it shares (514) with the internal processor could be DRAM, MRAM or SRAM, among others:

    PE 500 is closely associated with a shared (main) memory 514 through a high bandwidth memory connection 516. Although the memory 514 preferably is a dynamic random access memory (DRAM), the memory 514 could be implemented using other means, e.g., as a static random access memory (SRAM), a magnetic random access memory (MRAM), an optical memory, a holographic memory, etc.

    The patent expressly states that several external processors may be used:

    In accordance with an alternative embodiment, two processor elements may be cascaded by each employing its respective BIC in a coherent symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) interface (or BIF) configuration. The coherent SMP interface (BIF) of each processing element is coupled to one another to set up a coherent interface there between.

    The patent was filed this August and only recently published, showing that any plans are most likely in the early stages.

    Last year, EA’s Chief Creative Officer, Rich Hilleman, told VentureBeat how he “expected we’ll see a PlayStation 3.5 before we see a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox 560 before we see an Xbox 720,” ”

    Would you be interested in purchasing an “External Processor”?

    Source: PlayStation LifeStyle ...
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